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Ruins of Witherwatch

When the survivors of the Roniryn Empire built Witherwatch to keep watch over The Empty Wilds, it was a magnificent sight. The keep was made of sturdy stone, covered in a layer of white marble, and encircled by tall, formidable walls. Within the walls was a vibrant and bustling garrison.   But after the empire fell, Witherwatch fell into disrepair and ruin. The once-magnificent walls became crumbling heaps of rock, and the buildings inside rotted away into nothing more than cobwebs of ruined foundations. The deserted garrison was a desolate, rustling shell, full of weeds and shrubs. Nothing stirred except for the occasional rustle of leaves in the wind, or the lonely call of a crow in the sky.   But the ruins of Witherwatch gained a mysterious new life over the years. Rumors abounded of strange goings-on at night. Lights would flicker in the old keep, and strange creatures would be seen in the shadows of the ruins. People whispered of dark forces that had taken up residence within the walls and they were afraid to venture near the keep.   The truth of what was going on in Witherwatch was never discovered. But it was clear to everyone that some kind of sinister power had taken hold of the ruins, and it was best to steer clear of the keep for fear of disturb the mysterious entities that seemed to be calling this forgotten place home.
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