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History of The Ravaged Continent

  • 1

    Merging of the Roniryn and Wraytoran Kingdoms

    When King Giraudus of Wrayatora died without an heir, his daughter; Princess Elyscia was married to Prince Drystan of Ronir. The merging of these two mighty kingdoms was the start of the Roniryn ascension to power.

  • 247

    Creation of the Roniryn Empire
    Era beginning/end

    In the year 247, King Jurdanus of Ronir was married to Princess Desdromora of the Dwarven Kingdom of Azhar. Without a male heir when King Dhorsaen Cragbeard passed, so did the Kingdom of Azhar to King Jardanus. The union of the Kingdoms of Ronir and Azhar began the establishment of the Roniryn Empire. The Cragbeard clan leadership fell from Princess Desdromora to her uncle, Henar Cragbeard. Princess Desdromora became known as the dwarven mother of the Empire.

  • 253

    Founding of Ronir and Consolidation of Power

    In order to maintain command and control of the three kingdoms that form the Roniryn Empire a new capital was needed. On the banks of the Inniswrath River in the Windpar Steppe the city of Ronir was founded as the imperial capital.

  • 268

    Northern Expansion
    Political event

    Emperor Jurdanus was as ambitious and power hungry. The Emperor dispatched a legion of Roniryn troops annex The Tribal Lands. With Imperial Army marching against the divide tribes there was little resistance and one by one the tribes bent the knee.

  • 1000


    Golden Age
    Cultural event

  • 2022

    Drikdarok's Dark Army Invasion
    Military action

    Driving north from The Empty Wilds the Dark Army marched under Drikdarok's command. The marauders destorying and pillaging all that they see.

  • 2023

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    Siege of Ronir
    Military action

  • 2024


    Guerilla Warfare of the Small Folk
    Military: Skirmish

    After living under the terror of constant raids by the Dark Army the smallfolk of The Southern Reach launched a guerilla war campaign. With the help of the Roniryn Ranger Rotthorn Kelran the gomes and halflings were able to cut the Dark Army's supply lines.

  • 2024


    Krugo's Revolt

    The Dark Army, exhausted, hungry and battered, led Krugo to challenge Drikdarok in single combat. Armed with his great scimitar Shadowfang, Krugo dispatched his foe taking leadership of the remants of the Dark Army. Krugo ordered the army to lay down their arms and they settled in The Savage Lands.

  • 2026

    Collapse of the Roniryn Empire
    Era beginning/end

    With Emperor Gregorius' death and the capital city of Ronir razed, the empire no longer had the ability to sustain itself or assert command and control all of its territory. All that was left of the once mighty empire was the city of Rothevon.

  • 2027


    Descent into Chaos
    Civil action

    As the empire crumbled so did order and war ensued. Lord fought lord, and tribe fought tribe, all vying for control. The people bled and chaos decended throughout the continent.

  • 2306

    The Aftermath: Rise of Kingdoms
    Political event

    Finally there is stability across the continent. House of Montrough asserted its continued rule of Kingdom of Wrayatora, the Cragbeard Clan ended the bitter war between dwarven clans to continue to be the ruling house of the Dwarven Kingdom of Azhar. The tribes of the The Tribal Lands put their old feuds to rest.

  • 2327

    Crisis of Succession
    Life, Death

    In 2327 Emperor Axentius succumbed to a mysterious illness, unfortunately the Emperor did not have an heir. The throne would then have passed to his brother Zeno who had been killed years earlier in an Orc raid. The next in line was Zeno's daughter Flavia who had just given birth to Colwyn. There had been rumors that persisted that Flavia may not have been the legitament daughter of Zeno since his wite Prisca was rumored to enjoy the company of other men. Now that Flavia and her linage are part of the imperial line of success, her questionable parentage has called the legitmacy of Colwyn as Emperor into question. This has opened the door for other suitors especially King Reynard.