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Dwarven Kingdom of Azhar

For over 5000 years the ancient dwarven Kingdom of Azhar has stood and predates the Roniryn Empire. After the invasion of the Dark Army and the fall of the Empire there was a power struggle for the Azure Throne. For 300 years dwarf slew dwarf in a bitter war between the dwarven clans. Finally the Cragbeard Clan was able to maintain control of the thrown and Thane Dwovec Cragbeard continues to lead the kingdom.   The kingdom emcompasses the land of The Claw Crags mountain range and The Beverpar Foothills.   There are four noble dwarven clans in the kingdom and each clan rules a different city. The royal Cragbeard Clan controls the castle of Darneldur from where they rule the dwarven kingdom.   The Warthane Clan is based in Auchteraderand has developed a martial culture as they are under constant threat of raids from the Savage Lands.   The Blazingbraids Clan rule Auchenshuggle. They are also gifted armorers and weaponsmiths and craft some of the finest and most sought after equipment on the continent.   The Grimhorn Clan govern the city of Auchendale. The Grimhorn's wealth lies in the gems they mine from the Beverpar Hills. Grimhorn artisans are renown for thier skills at making fine jewelry and working with gems.
Kingdom rich in ancient grandeur, halls carved into the roots of mountains, the echoing of picks and hammers in deep mines and blazing forges, a commitment to clan and tradition, and a burning hatred of goblins and orcs; these common threads unite all dwarves.


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