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Ragnor Sorrowsworn

Lord of Sorrows Ragnor Sorrowsworn (a.k.a. Twice-Slain)

Founded the Sons of the Sentinel to battle the lieutenants of Koh's undead army.   Fought against the The Hrakken Empire in the War of Hrakken Expansion.   Was a skeletal paladin who followed the The Solemn Sentinel.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Defeated Lich-King Koh in single combat.   Founded the Sons of the Sentinel.   Journeyed to the abyss and survived a battle of the Blood War.


Religious Views

Was a devout paladin of the The Solemn Sentinel.  Was a member of the The Church of the Trinity.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Sorrows, Grandmaster of the Sons of the Sentinel, and Sorrowsworn.
Ragnor would be considered 85 at the time of his true death
3103 MA 3290 MA 187 years old
Circumstances of Death
Ragnor was slain in battle by Koh himself early in the War of Hrakken Expansion , but was returned to life after he defeated Koh.
The town of Magrae
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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