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  • church of the trinity, Ragnor's tomb, elven lodge outside of the town, small Jarsokkan worship area
  • make a general goods store, a potion brewry, and a blacksmith
  • Resource - food, minerals, etc. (surplus req. for a town)
  • river
  • Town Guards - 1-50 ratio   Mayor's Manor   Hirelings   red light district


    Race A census conducted in 4000 MA showed that about 70% of Magrae's population were Westrin humans, 10% were forest halflings, 5% were river gnomes, 5% were elves or half elves, 5% were humans of other ethnicities, and 5% were of other races.   Wealth A census conducted in 4000 MA showed that 75% of Magrae's citizens made 1 gold square or less per day, 20% made 5 gold squares or less per day, and only 5% made more than 5 gold squares per day.     Religion A census conducted in 4000 MA showed that 80% of the population believed in the Trinity of The Church of the Trinity, 80% of their number believe them to be the same entities as the elven gods.  90% of the population believed in The Watcher in the Web, with 40% of their number believing him to be an evil deity.


    A lord has overseen the town of Magrae since its conquering at the hands of Youk. As the town grew, so did the power of the merchants who traded within it. Decisions of business and policy are now regarded as decisions to be made by the merchant guild, which they make with only a small amount of input from other guilds and the Lord's seal. The lord now primarily looks after the defense of the town and surrounding farms and villages.    In the late 36th Century the lordly line that ruled Magrae was destroyed during a minor conflict with Prost over the surrounding territory. Although there was pressure from Youk to choose a new noble family, the people of Magrae, supported by the Merchant's Guild, pushed to have an elected official. When an interim governor was appointed by the Youkan King of the time, the people of Magrae put up such a firm resistance that the governor was forced to relent and allow them to elect their own official.  Ever since the Mayor of Magrae has been an elected position.


    Is equipped with sturdy walls with well-honed anti-undead defenses.   An elite guard of 150 men well versed in combat with undead, led by the Sherrif of the town.

    Industry & Trade

    Lots of trade with Prost and some with The Hrakken Empire. They trade lumber to The Hrakken Empire in times of peace, but a decree made in 3504 prevents the sale of any raw materials to The Hrakken Empire, so only pre-made products, such as chairs and tables can be sold.


    Although the town of Magrae has no proper underground sewers, efforts have been made to ensure proper drainage of sewage. These efforts have amounted to ditches carved out leading directly into the river. Clogging of these ditches is frequent and ditch workers are often seen shoveling out the filth for mere chips per working day.   A group of River Gnomes designed lumber mills that can be powered by waterwheels placed in the river. With this wage-free power source the Gnomes Lumber Guild became one of the most powerful guilds in town before a heavy tax for riverside businesses was implemented by the Merchant Guild.   Many roads leading away from the town are well built Hrakken roads, but the roads inside the town are poorly maintained gravel affairs.   On the Southside of the Ashfork is the Guildhall. A magnificent building with two stories, the first made from stone imported from the mountains that serve as the border between Youk Kingdom and Prost, and the second having been built of sturdy lumber. It is well maintained and is used for many purposes. The first floor of the building consists of a single large room that is used for meetings of many kinds. Most public officials have offices on the second floor, including the Mayor, the Sheriff, and the head of the Merchant's Guild.   Three inns operate within the town: Ashfork Inn, Riverside Rest, and Lumberman's Lager.   Ashfork Inn is an upper class establishment located close to the bridge that crosses from the West Quarter into the South Quarter of the Town. It's expensive and lavish suites are rented by rich merchants and visiting dignitaries both foreign and those from Youk and Tain.   Riverside Rest is located on the West side of the river close to the North wall that guards the town.  It has modest rooms and decent food.  Travellers of many stripes find themselves having a good drink and peaceful rest.  Many townsfolk come here after their shifts to relax and socialize.     Lumberman's Lager is a small tavern with a common room where travellers can stay for a modest price.  The food is of low quality and the ale is barely drinkable, but both came at low price, attracting some of the poorer residents of Magrae.


    Most imaginable trades have shops at or near the market square located on the Eastern side of the river.  Among these shops are three smith shops: Din, Din, Din, & Din; the Woodsman's Workshoppe; and Gerrizik's Gearshoppe.    In the 3840's Din, Din, Din, & Din was owned by two sets of identical twin halflings, all sharing the last name Din. One of the female twins managed the financial aspects of the business, while the other three members worked the forge.  Most of their business was done with the Halfling Woodsman's Guild.  They sell saws, axes, and other implements used in lumber work.   In the 3840's the Woodsman's Workshoppe was operated by a Westrin Man who sold primarily to the Lumber Guild.

    Guilds and Factions

    There is a guild for each trade that meets in the guildhall on their designated day of the month to discuss their business.   The Merchants Guild A guild of businessmen and women who deal with the trade of foreign goods.   The Gnomes Lumber Guild A Gnome exclusive guild that oversees the processing of wood in Magrae   The Lumber Guild This once mighty guild was brought low when the Gnomes of the Gnomes Lumber Guild built their river powered sawmills. Now they only oversee the cutting down and delivery of the raw logs.   Hafling Woodsman's Guild This guild used to be the primary source of raw lumber before the Lumber Guild was forced out of the processing business by the Gnomes Lumber Guild.   The Farmers Guild This guild oversees the growing of crops around Magrae.   The Ranchers Guild A guild devoted to the oversight of livestock and other animals was originally part of the Farmers Guild, but split off due to ethical concerns on the treatment of animals.  The Rancher's Guild was founded in the mid 39th century.


    The final resting place of Ragnor Sorrowsworn.   Historically an important point of resistance to Hrakken expansion.


    Pilgrimages to the Tomb of the Sorrowsworn are not uncommon, usually made by Trinitarians from Prost, but somtimes from Youk Kingdom or The Princeship of Lamlou.


    Primarily wooden structures.


    Magrae is located at the joining of two rivers, known as the Ashfork.

    Natural Resources

    As all of the Westrin kingdoms are located in the verdant Prost Forest, the selling of lumber seems quite a strnge thing, and the animosity between Youk Kingdom and The Hrakken Empire is legendary, they seen an unlikely teading partner for any rational Youkan. However, business is business and the Hrakken people have access to materials and magics far greater than what even the The Church of the Trinity can muster. Paired with the lack of forested land in the lands of the Empire and the profit from such deall8ngs becomes apparent.   To feed its growing population, Magrae needed to clear the surrounding area to grow crops and raise livestock. The primary crops in Magrae are Dusktop Turnips and Rayargrain. The majority of livestock kept in Magrae are goats and pigs, however, some ranchers had successfully raised cows by 4000 MA.
    Alternative Name(s)
    The Town of Magrae
    A census in the year 4000 MA counted 6,049 permanent residents
    Related Ethnicities
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    Included Locations
    Owning Organization

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