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The Raskan people once lived in the Northern regions of the land controlled by the Jakarak Empire. They lived in relative peace within the Empire for many centuries, but after a few decades of unjust rulings, there was a large scale revolt in the north, lead primarily by a few powerful Raskan houses. The Empire's military decended upon the north and a wholesale slaughter of Humans began. After a year of destruction, a surrender was negotiated. The other groups of Humans that had participated in the rebellion blamed the Raskans and the Empire expelled them from their lands,. They moved westward into the lands of the Shasite Humans, but never truly integrated into their society and in the mid 34th century they took power in the area and created the nation now known as Shrask. They used their new subjects as Slaves and it grew to be a large part of their culture.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Siira, Somal   Names beginning with s are considered very feminine.

Masculine names

Basuron, Benadon, Yinn

Family names

Havnar, Lovak, Sonn   When a marriage is arranged, part of the negotiation is the determining of which name the new couple will take. This name will cement which family the new couple will technically belong to, and wipl be held by the children claimed by the male partner until marriages are arranged for them.


Major language groups and dialects

The majority of Raskans speak, read, and write Rask. However, many of the more powerful families are also versed in the use of Elvish and often other languages.  Men of families that do business in nations abroad are often trained in many languages to best facilitate transaction.

Shared customary codes and values

Respect and order.

Common Etiquette rules

It is viewed as a common courtesy to bow when meeting a person of equal or higher standing.  The depth of the bow indicates the level of respect given to the individual.  A Raskan not bowing is often an intentional slight and if not is a recognition of their superiority over you.  Depending on the Raskan, foriegners not observing this tradition are seen as disrespectful or insolent.    When a Raskan encounters a being they believe to be a Devil, they will cut themselves with their ritual knife and offer it to them whilst bowing deeply and kneeling if their garb permits it.  A Devil being presented this offering will kiss the wound.  If it does so, it is thought to have agreed to do the Raskan no harm and a devil that does not kiss the wound is deemed a hostile threat.

Common Dress code

Raskans adorn themselves in whatever jewelry they can afford, made primarily of various precious or rare metals, such as gold, silver, copper, platinum, Uran's Iron, and alloys of said metals.  The greater the weight of the jewelry, the prestigious it is deemed, although briliance does add to the appeal of the jewelry.   In general, Raskans wear single piece, toga-like clothing, but often wear trousers and tunics when certain activities make their traditional garb less convenient. Regardless of what they are doing, any good Raskan will carry with them a special knife that is used in many ceremonies for blood sacrifice. One side of the blade has pins in it to ensure no cut is made too deep. This side of the blade is used on themselves. The other side of the blade has no pins, allowing it to be used to slit the throats of sacrifices. Anything cut with this blade is deemed a sacrifice and sacrificing something that is not your property is a death sentence, so these blades are never drawn, even in self defense.   The most religious Raskans sometimes carry with them a copy of the Kidokak and a pouch of sanctified iron powder.  The Kidokak is usually worn on the hip in a sealed leather case made with the skin of ritually sacrificed animal.  Pouches of sanctified iron are also made with the same material.

Art & Architecture

Raskan architecture tends for larger, more sprawling buildings, rarely rising above two stories. The most common building matterials are stone and wood, with more stone being used in the east, where timber is less abundant. Most rooves have a shallow incline covered in curved clay tiles. Homes with a second floor are likely to have balconies from which the family can view their domain.   Raskan art is dominated by precious metals of many types. Gold, silver, platinum, copper, and a material called Uran's Iron are the primary focus of art pieces, but bronze, brass, and even iron are used as well. Bronze, Brass, and iron are usually used for statues, while gold, silver, platinum, copper, and Uran's Iron are used for much smaller, more inticate pieces of jewelry.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals


Rendana is the ceremony in which a family wishing to exit a marriage agreement must perform to sever the arangement.   Rendana must be performed in view of the estate of the other family.  The ceremony begins with an apology to the gods and a statement of intention.  It then proceeds with a blood sacrifice from the men of the acting family, usually from cuts on the hand or arm.  The blood is dripped on the ground before the estate as a dual offering to bothe gods and the other family.  More prayers of forgiveness are offered to the gods as the sacrifice negotiated during the marriage agreement is brought forward and slain.  This sacrice is to be conducted by the son or daughter that was going to be married from the acting family.  The sacrifice can range from a single goat, up to and including the sacrifice of hundreds of slaves or several family members.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Upon the birth of a child, the father must cut his finger and trace his blooded finger across the child's forhead. Until this is done, the child is not considered his. Legal adoption is done in a similar fashion, and any child a man does this to is considered his to the fullest extent of the law, provided his is the first to do so.

Coming of Age Rites

First Deal   Slave administration

Common Myths and Legends

Many Raskans pay homage to Modeus, a deity of strength, servitude, and protection. In ancient legend, it is said that Modeus defeated extra-planar beings bent on the destruction of the Raskan people.


Beauty Ideals

In both men and women, Raskans value refinement and grace.

Gender Ideals

Men are expected to take care of the family in relation to other groups and forces. Their role is as a warrior, trader, or negotiator.   Women are traditionally the keepers of the home and estate. It is their role to manage the slaves, children and internal affairs of the family.   In extention, the Emperor is expected to be the head of all affairs dealing with external forces , whereas the Empress is expected to take charge of internal dealings.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship in Raskan is more an afterthought.  The vast majority of Raskan marriages are planned and organized by the parents of both parties.  As the masters of external affairs, the father of a son seeks a worthy wife amongst other Raskan families.  This is usually done during the second decade of the son's life, but it is not unheard of for it to be earlier or later.  When a promising wife is found, the father of the son treats with the mother of the daughter, negotiating a marriage between the two familes.  These negotiations include what surname the new couple will take, which family will host the couple until they have their own property, who pays for the wedding, and any other conditions put forward.  If an agreement is met, the engagement is set and cannot be unset withoit an eleborate ceremony involving a sacrifice from one of the families that is provisioned in the initial agreement.  These sacrifices can be as insignificant as a goat and as extreem as the ritual sacrifice of slaves or family members.

Major organizations

Raskans are generally pale in complexion with eyes that range from blue to purple. Most have dark, straight hair.
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Languages spoken

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