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Varis Kkarnasu

Varis Kkarnasu

Mental characteristics

Personal history

During The War of Lokish Aggression Varis' father brought him along on to fight against the Lokishites. Although the strength of his magic didn't have a great effect on any major battles, Varis impressed several Hrakken Necro-lords with his tactical use of his magic. He worked in tandem with his father's undead army to devastate enemy positions.  Varis took no pleasure in this work, but enjoyed how proud his father was of him.  It seems as though the Kkarnasus were on a track to popularity and great power if one of these Necro-lords were to take power.     In the final days of the war, Varis and his father were sent to take an enemy position.  When they arrived, it seemed quite poorly defended.  While his father directed his army against the guards, Varis snuck into the position, veiled in magic.  He was discovered by the position's true defender, a mighty Abjurer, who then engaged him in a Wizard's duel.  In but a few moments, Varis had subdued the man, but not without consequence.  The Abjurer cast a curse on Varis that separated him from the Silver Sea.  Never again could magic affect him and never again could he affect it.  This curse was slowly killing him and nearly drove him mad.   After the war, Varis and his father returned to their home, close to the time when Varis' mother died giving birth to Vollakka.  With his father hiding in his private study, some matters of state were left to Varis.  He hired a good tutor for his younger brother, Kkakkar, and ensured that relations with other families did not break down in his father's isolation.  Varis grew weaker by the day, and although none said so openly, most didn't expect him to live much longer.


Varis was educated primarily by his father, Varkkis Kkarnasu.


Family Ties

Firstborn son of Varkkis Kkarnasu  Older brother to Kkakkar Kkarnasu, Vanell Kkarnasu, and Vollakka Kkarnasu.


Kkakkar Kkarnasu

Younger Brother

Towards Varis Kkarnasu


Varis Kkarnasu

Older Brother

Towards Kkakkar Kkarnasu


Kkakkar Kkarnasu (Younger Brother)
Light brown
Straight black hair, worn long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, almost yellowing
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Varis was known to speak Hrakka, Elvish, and some languages assosiated with dark magics.

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