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Kkakkar Kkarnasu

Kkakkar Kkarnasu

Kkakkar was trained in the arcane arts under his father and other practitioners of magic. He has a keen mind and a knack for magic, which brought him much attention, especially after his elder brother, Varis Kkarnasu, was cursed in The War of Lokish Aggression. With his brother cursed and not long for this world, most consider Kkakkar as next in line for the seat of his house.   Kkakkar's Mother died during child birth with his younger brother, Vollakka Kkarnasu, and was animated to look after the children while the father, Varkkis Kkarnasu, ruled the house.   More than anything, Kkakkar want to obtain the secret to immortality. Though many have obtained it through means of undeath, Kkakkar has recognized first hand that in undeath much of the person is lost. This is not the fate he would choose, but death is not an option either. In the year 3841, he set out southwards, hoping to find information about an ancient warrior known as Ragnor Sorrowsworn, a mortal man who, by many accounts lived sound of body and mind for nearly two centuries. His journey has taken him to the town of Toyuk and will carry him further southwards if he can help it. While in Toyuk, Kkakkar Kkarnasu has been staying at the Iron Cup, Drink and Diner. While staying there he's met some very interesting people, including a Tiefling who calls himself Imp and a anthropomorphic cat from a far off land. Lastly, he has seen a pure-blooded Raharin Elf who's been staying at the same place. He is curious to learn about them and where they came from; perhaps they might have some lead to true immortality?   This Raharin Elf approached Kkakkar and they exchanged knowledge. Kkakkar showed him a map of the local area and the elf, who called himself Zyck, told him about historical events that he had witnessed firsthand. During their discussion, a group of men came looking for any Arcanists to assist them with a problem. Kkakkar went with them and assisted in freeing a young girl from a tormenting ghost. The local lord, the girl's father, awarded the group with 500 gold squares. Kkakkar is already working out in his head how best to use his share. The next morning, he learned from the Lord's Arcanist, Miilmas Kriinae, that the tomb he was seeking was in the town of Magrae. While the Lord's servants prepared a carriage to return them to Toyuk, Zyck told the group that his deity had visited him in a dream and told him to help the group find the secrets of their lives. One passage that was said, "The dark eyes seek a tome held in a cat's paw", has Kkakkar very curious. He's decided to keep an eye on this Cat-man who calls himself Alto Clef.   When the group returned to Toyuk, they saw a Mibrish man trying to enter the city. Later, at the The Iron Cup, Drink and Diner, the group spoke to a Raskan merchant named Benadon Havnar who asked them to take him to Shrask with his cargo, 50 pounds of Uran's Iron. He agreed to pay each of them 3 Gold Collars a day and Kkakkar negotiated a bonus payment for days where the group must fend off danger. The roads they plan to take will take them past both Youk, where he can purchase another spellbook, and Magrae, where the Tomb of the Sorrowsworn rests. After coordinating their travel plans, the group was questioned by the town guard about a set of robberies that had occurred the previous night. It seems that someone had stolen all the Fluorspar in town had been taken.   Spending the night in a small village a day's travel from Toyuk then moving on, the group was attacked by the man they had seen outside the city. He had resistance to Kkakkar's magic as well as the Cat-man's fists. He seemed to be after the piece of Uran's Iron and sent a raven to collect it. When the fight was looking like it would be drawn out and difficult, the man and his bird transformed into devils and allowed the sun to burn them to ash and smoke. In the larger one's bag, the group found the stolen Fluorspar.


Family Ties

Second son of Varkkis Kkarnasu.   Younger brother to Varis Kkarnasu.   Older brother to Vanell Kkarnasu and Vollakka Kkarnasu.


Kkakkar Kkarnasu


Towards Varkkis Kkarnasu


Varkkis Kkarnasu


Towards Kkakkar Kkarnasu


Kkakkar Kkarnasu

Younger Brother

Towards Varis Kkarnasu


Varis Kkarnasu

Older Brother

Towards Kkakkar Kkarnasu


Kkakkar Kkarnasu

Older Brother

Towards Vanell Kkarnasu


Vanell Kkarnasu

Younger Sister

Towards Kkakkar Kkarnasu


Kkakkar Kkarnasu

Older Brother

Towards Vollakka Kkarnasu


Vollakka Kkarnasu

Younger Brother

Towards Kkakkar Kkarnasu


Date of Birth
the 9th day of the 3rd month, 3821 MA
At the family estate, just Northeast of Mouk
Varkkis Kkarnasu (Father)
Varis Kkarnasu (Older Brother)
Vanell Kkarnasu (Younger Sister)
Vollakka Kkarnasu (Younger Brother)
Dark brown bordering on black
Chin length black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
144 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Kkakkar can speak Hrakka, Westron, and Elvish.

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