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Milar, city of Wonders

Milar, the capital city of the Kingdom of Sioa, stands as a testament to the advancements made possible by the union of The Trinity and the rise of Arcanotech. The city is built around the Arcanum, hub of the greatest minds of the generation, where Arcanotech research and production is pushing the limits of what is possible with Arcane magic and technology. Thanks to the advancements made possible by Arcanotech, Milar is a city full of surprises. There are towering spires that reach towards the sky, powered by the Arcanum's Milax Reactors. These Reactors, once fueled, provide power for a wide range of machines and devices, from simple heating and lighting systems to the most advanced Automatons and airships. The city is a bustling metropolis, home to a diverse array of people from all across Milnir. Traders and merchants from across the kingdom come to Milar to do business, while artisans and craftsmen sell their wares in the bustling markets that line the streets of the Litne District.
  Prince Arild, King Armund's son, is also deeply involved in the Arcanotech movement. He is a prodigious inventor in his own right, and has dedicated himself to using his talents for the betterment of his kingdom. It is said that he spends every waking moment in the Arcanum, tinkering and experimenting with new ideas. Some theorize he may be mentored by Tornath himself, although this is mostly rumors.
  Milar is not merely a beautiful and advanced place, however. Inequality and conflict fester under the surface, with criminal organizations and illegal underground communities forming and holding a great deal of power on the rest of the city. Down in the slums, in Trickster's Shadow, most of the shadier city trade can be seen. This is also where a good portion of the city's least fortunate or impoverished people reside.

Districts of Milar

Litne District

The Litne District provides a variety of services, accomodations and appliances to visitors. Home of some of the Realm's finest traders and possessing rare and greatly sought after wears and products, there is little one cannot find in the Litne District. There are a handful of well known people who run the Litne District, but one of the most well known is a man by the name of Brick Münlite, a wealthy noble wizard and owner of the Billowing Chest, a very popular and successful magic item shop chain that can be found pretty much anywhere in the Realm.

Trickster's Shadow

Also refered to as "The Slums" or simply "The Lower City", some of the worst of the worst the city has to offer can be found here. Not particularly out of choice, mind you. A good portion of the people found here have fallen into lives of crime thanks to the King's rule, although to mention this outloud is grounds for treason. Nevertheless, a lot can be gained from the Trickster's Shadow, among them no short supply of well trained cutthroat mercenaries and goods not found in most places. Need something smuggled? To pass through Sioan borders without the right documentation? To get a group of capable no names and prepare a less-than-legal job? You can bet you'll find it here, somewhere, as long as you know where to look and where to walk, mainly so you don't get mugged out of that coin pouch of yours. Trickster's Shadow is run by many different people, so many it'd be impossible to name all the big names around the area you can find, but probably the most well known and well liked one out of the bunch is Premascius Featherlight, a Kenku fixer that uses his very long library of knowledge and connections to give anyone anything they wish, as long as they can provide something in return for him. Being a Kenku, many who've dealt with him say that what he seeks as payment is usually not hard coin, but rather an experience. Something new to learn from. Although the ludicrous lengths to which these requests can range make dealing with him more expensive than any coin payment, which combined with his panache has earned him the title of "The Silver Beaked Devil"

Sunside District

The Sunside District, also known as the Upper Cty or just Sunside, is where a lot of Sioan nobility can be found. Containing many gated communities, Sunside is not for the average citizen. Only the most politically and economically powerful enter these parts, as living expenses are way beyond what an average person can afford. This, in turn, creates much disdain for this part of the city, as it creates a clear division between the wealthy aristocrats and the rest of Milar's people. Many of the most influential people in Sioa can be found here, living cushy lives and defended by the most advanced Automatons the Kingdom has produced, while many in the lower parts of the city starve.

Harrow Grounds

The Harrow Grounds is where the majority of Milar's farming communities can be found. Located around the outskirts of the city for the most part, outside the walls, Harrow Grounds is probably one of the biggest districts in the entire city, spanning over half of the walls' stretch. Worker Automatons walk through the big open fields of wheat and grass, assisting in the harvesting, planting and distribution of the district's goods. Some Automatons have been reported to go rogue as of late, which has been creating conflict in the usually calm land of Harrow Grounds.

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