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This massive crossroads city is the second largest city in all of Raen’dor, and is also one of the most chaotic in design. One traveler from the north famously reported that “there are no straight roads in Almaaz,” which isn’t far from the truth; its streets are an absolute maze, with no semblance of city planning or ease of travel– although, locals argue that learning the routes of the city actually make it easier and quicker to travel than any other city its size. The city has a large mining operation in the eastern mountains, which is its main export (although many different goods pass through this city). Due to the many merchants looking to protect their caravans and the city’s more exposed position when it comes to monsters/attackers, adventurers looking for work can always make good money in Almaaz. The current Speaker elected to govern this tangled city is the charismatic sorcerer Jhaddas Zar.
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