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The largest city in the Midlands– and all of Raen’dor!– Eiderloch is the seat of the young Queen Aemelia Eladel. The city from which the queen rules can be spotted from miles away, appearing almost as a massive castle from the distance; the main roads become great bridges into the metropolis, and even buildings far from the castle- the city's highest point at its towers- are breathtaking. Multiple lesser noble families have settled here to find political footing in Eladel’s royal court, while a variety of common folk settle in the city looking for work and other opportunities. On top of all this, Eiderloch serves as a crossroads for all manner of travelers moving throughout Raen’dor– yet another factor that allows this ever-growing city to thrive.


Eiderloch's founders were primarily of human and orc descent, which can still be seen today as they are the two most populous races. However, Eiderloch has become the most diverse city in Raen'dor; peoples originating from every corner of the realms (and the Feywild beyond) call this place home.


Eiderloch is the seat of the current monarchy, and thus is governed directly by the Royal Family-- in this case, Queen Eladel of House Eladel. The Queen is advised by her both her Inner Council (who help govern the city) and the High Council of Raen'dor (which governs all of the realms). Most members of the Inner Council hold some level of power in the city, either through their Guild or the assets of their House; however, the Queen's word is final in any matter of the law.

Industry & Trade

The trades and businesses of Eiderloch are as diverse as its people; within the city, all manner of goods and services are available. No matter what kind of work one is able to do, they will likely be able to find work in Eiderloch (such wealth of opportunity is one of many reasons why the city's population has grown such in recent decades).   In terms of trade between the realms, Eiderloch and the Western Midlands produce a great deal of food; while much of that food must go to Eiderloch itself, the volume of goods produced is still high enough that the remainder can be exported to other settlements and cities. While other goods are imported and exported, a great deal of Eiderloch's wealth and prosperity come from within its lands rather than relying on trade with others; even when it comes to stone and ore, lumber yards across the Midlands and capital-controlled mines in the hills have lessened the need for goods from afar.


Eiderloch is a massive city, built both behind and atop massive walls of white and grey stone. The city is tiered vertically; the Royal District raised high above the rest of the city, and the four points of its star-shaped layout raised above the rest of its crowded streets. Great canals carry water from the nearby lakes into the city, and the outer ring of farms and suburbs provide a good deal of food for the rest of the city. Sewer systems, underground canals, and tunnels are hidden beneath much of the raised city, creating an out-of-sight solution to the city's high volume of waste. The main roads and squares of the city provide a fairly organized way to navigate it, although the smaller streets in between are tight and winding; it is easy for one unfamiliar with the city to become lost if they stray from the main roads.    In addition to its marvels of infrastructure, Eiderloch's great walls and raised districts are a means of defense. The city itself is a near-impenetrable fortress, one that prided itself on repelling the Undying King's hordes during the War of Blood and Bone.


Eiderloch's districts are not always the most well-defined, but the tiered design of the city makes it easy enough to separate them. These districts, save for the Royal District in the center, came to be moreso out of simple expansion than any sort of city planning (although truly, it is a marvel in and of itself that the city achieved some sense of cohesion and symmetry throughout at all). The districts of Eiderloch are as follows, from lowest tier to highest:   The Outer Ring (farms and such)   The Gate Districts (Lower Districts) Sorcerer's Square Albiran's Square The Rainbow Market + The Great Gardens Memorial Square   The Upper Districts  The Plaza of Heroes The Canal District The Military Quarter Barnaby's Crossing   The Royal District (The Royal Palace + noble housing, etc etc)

Guilds and Factions

Eiderloch is famously home to the Adventurer's Guild, which operates throughout Raen'dor. There are also a host of other Guilds and organizations throughout the city, both existing to support groups within Eiderloch and serving as bases for the interests of factions farther afield.   (list to come)
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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