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Tests of New Leadership

Political event

Years 1032-1045

Just as the realms were forced to reckon with new leadership in the wake of Queen Duhem's death, Nightcrest Academy and the Adventurer's Guild would be tested by new leadership. Headmaster Theodas Wildemere passed away in the Year 1032, leaving Nightcrest in the hands of his then Deputy Headmaster: Patrius Claron, who was far from the noble hero that his predecessor had been. While he had a knack for growing Nightcrest's profile and bringing in new students, it became clear over the years that the new Headmaster cared more for status and gold than he did the education of his students. The Adventurer's Guild faced similar issues after Gawain Cadwal retired as Guildmaster; while it had many capable leaders to choose from within its ranks, not all of those individuals were as committed to working "in service of the realms." Vast amounts of gold were by this point passing through the Guild, and various Noble Houses were working to curry its favor. While both the Academy and the Guild were both forced to deal with these corrupt leaders, the original vision of the organizations held true-- pushback from adventurers and students led to Claron stepping down as Headmaster over accusations of corruption, which led the way for a similar course correction by the Adventurer's Guild. Nightcrest's third Headmaster, Berina Diabris, was lauded for ensuring Nightcrest Academy regained and maintained its integrity during the long tenure which she served.

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