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The Adventurer's Guild

Outside of the Noble Houses of Raen’dor, the Adventurer’s Guild is the most important institution in the realms. Established in the Year 989 (Darcassian year 421) alongside Nightcrest Academy, the Guild began as a simple group for adventurers to meet other adventurers. Now, the Guild defines what a “real” adventurer is, regulates the activity of those adventurers, and advocates for them among the Noble Houses. While technically anyone can embark on an adventure or live the life of a mercenary for hire, to be an adventurer in Raen’dor is to bear the Mark of the Guild (an arcane tattoo of a crescent moon, used to prove membership). Anyone who wishes to live such a life can demonstrate their skills and earn their Mark, or attend Nightcrest Academy in order to earn their Mark upon graduation. The Adventurer’s Guild was first established in the city of Eiderloch and maintains its headquarters there, but there are now hundreds of adventurers scattered across Raen’dor and a Guild Hall (where adventurers can go to find posted jobs) in nearly every major city. The Adventurer’s Guild elects its own leaders from within its ranks, based on experience and capability; there are no terms, with leaders holding their positions until they step down, are challenged, or they die. Elections are usually difficult to organize due to the nature of adventurers, and are held whenever one is necessary.


The Adventurer’s Guild elects its own leaders from within its ranks, based on experience and capability; there are no terms, with leaders holding their positions until they step down, are challenged, or they die. Elections are usually difficult to organize due to the nature of adventurers, and are held whenever one is necessary. Leadership positions within the Guild are:   Guildmaster: The most prestigious title one can hold within the Adventurer’s Guild; final decisions related to all Guild activity usually come down to the Guildmaster. Holds an honorary seat on the High Council of Raen’dor, although cannot influence final decisions made there. Usually a veteran adventurer of great renown holds this title.   Record Keeper: The Guild record keeper is responsible for recording current (and former/deceased) members of the Guild and their statuses, as well as recording the deeds and careers of those adventurers should they need to be referenced. While most adventurers resent what is essentially a desk job, it is a very important position that commands respect within the Guild hierarchy. The Guild usually employs some number of non-member employees to serve as research assistants to the Record Keeper, but the title holder themself must be a member of the Guild.   Vault Keeper: Similar to Record Keeper, Guild Vault Keeper is a clerical position that has two major jobs; one is to help the Guildmaster allocate funds and handle monetary business, while the other (more interesting) job is to collect and inventory all loot gathered by adventurers during quests. Loot obtained by adventurers (that they don’t keep for themselves) can be traded to the guild for gold; those items are then stored in the Guild headquarters and/or sold to fund future guild endeavors. Like the Record Keeper, there are usually clerical assistants hired to work under the Vault Keeper.   Guild Advisor: This title is more loose, and generally is given to any notable member of the Guild who is particularly invested in Adventurer’s Guild business; Advisors meet, as a council or individually, with the Guildmaster at regular intervals to make Guild decisions, provide feedback and carry out higher level business on behalf of the Guild. There are no set number of Guild Advisors; however, there has always been at least three. There are currently twelve Guild Advisors; some remain at the Guild Headquarters in Eiderloch, while others live their lives abroad as adventurers tend to do.   Of note, the Headmaster of Nightcrest Academy is likely the most important member of the Adventurer’s Guild outside of the Guildmaster themself; the Headmaster always serves as a Guild Advisor (on top of their responsibilities to Nightcrest). In addition, two current professors at Nightcrest serve as Guild Advisors, while most others are respected members of the Guild in their own rights.

Public Agenda

The Adventurer's Guild is dedicated to the protection of Raen'dor's people and the exploration of its realms; the agenda of the Guild is modeled after the quests and achievements of the famous Evenlights. The Guild holds what is otherwise what might be a wide range of mercenaries to a higher standard, ensuring that there is a baseline of experience and moral code throughout all members.
Founding Date
Year 989 (Darcassian year 421)
Guild, Adventuring
Subsidiary Organizations


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