Blood War


Long ago, in the time of the ancients, a great war called the Blood War raged between the devils of the Nine Hells, and the demons of the Abyss, who often met each other in either plane, travelling by way of the dark and treacherous River Styx.

The devils, cunning and strategic, preferred to fight their battles in Avernus, where the defeated demons would be sent back, disorganized and weakened. This gave the devils time to prepare for a counterattack.

The demons of the Abyss, on the other hand, were a wild and chaotic force, a seething mass of true evil, only loosely organized by their powerful and intelligent demon lords. These lords relished the battles that raged in both Hell and the Abyss, seeing them as the ultimate test of their power and skill.

The devils saw themselves as unsung heroes, valiantly fighting to keep the chaotic forces of the Abyss at bay. They proclaimed themselves as protectors of the realms, standing guard against the unending tide of demon incursions.

Rare and powerful artifacts were highly sought after in this war, for they could shift the balance of power between the two sides. However, they were notoriously difficult to obtain and their locations were well hidden.

Gruumsh One Eye

Gruumsh, the god of orcs, was known to lash out at both devils and demons, seeking to weaken the losing side in the hope of forming an alliance. However, the archdevils and demon lords were far too intelligent to be swayed by Gruumsh's predictable tactics, and they always planned for reinforcements in case of orc and goblin attacks.

In truth, Gruumsh had been cheated out of land on the material plane when he ascended to godhood, and his fury knew no bounds. He created the orcs and goblins out of rage, wrath, and pure evil, unleashing them on the civilized races of the world.

The orcs were savage, bloodthirsty marauders, who loved nothing more than close combat and the thrill of battle. They fought fiercely, plunging headlong into the fray with no thought of retreat or surrender.

Gruumsh himself begrudgingly occupied Hades, a desolate place of pure desperation and evil, where he continued to create legions of goblins and orcs to wreak havoc across the cosmos. His wrath was greatest for the elves, who had taken his eye and conflicted with him over the promised land. He also despised the devils and demons, who refused to ally with him in his quest to rule the cosmos. They did not want to share their power, and they did not trust Gruumsh's volatile nature.


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