Norbury Northern Forest

This misty forest is a dense, humid woodland that is shrouded in a thick, ethereal fog much of the time. The air is heavy with the smell of decay and the sound of the forest is muffled and indistinct, as if being filtered through layers of gauze. The trees are tall and gnarled, their branches twisted and their leaves a sickly green color. The forest floor is spongy and wet, and it is dotted with patches of stagnant water and muddy swamps. This forest is a place of danger, as it is home to many predators that lurk in the shadows and the underbrush, waiting to attack the unwary. Despite its dangers, the misty forest is also home to many rare and exotic species of plants and animals, and many travelers and adventurers come to the forest in search of these unique and valuable specimens.  

Known locations:

The "Murder Shack", the infamous spot where Guillermo was murdered.

Valia Velassir's cabin.

Articles under Norbury Northern Forest


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