The Ash Forest

You walk through the Ash Forest. You feel on edge, agitated. Your heart pounds, your eyes widen and your senses are alert. Something feels wrong. Is it the ground, devoid of vegetation? Is it the layer of ash and soot where you should be finding leaves and plants? Or is it the absolute silence, devoid of animals and insects? Maybe all three. You continue your journey, your weapon clutched tightly underneath.
-Description of the Ash Forest given to Tiriel Thasriel as he traverses it for the first time.


The Ash Forest is a desolate and dangerous place best left avoided entirely. Unfortunately, it serves as the only means of on-foot passage through North and South Sorus. It is especially dangerous at night, and not even the Crusaders of Ash dare to venture into the forest at night (without good reason).

The Crusaders of Ash are a paladin order dedicated to restoring the forest and to also protect those who must traverse it. They strongly believe that the forest is made of Livewood that was corrupted.

The very ground exudes a strong aura of fear and death that can turn away even the strongest and most boastful men. Thankfully, the Crusaders of Ash have paved a road through the forest blessed with their Holy magic. This blessed ground is recognizable as the only dirt path in an otherwise ash filled forest. Straying from the path is strongly discouraged.  

This article has no secrets.


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