Chronomancer's Codex

Chronomancer's Codex

Wondrous Item

Legendary Requires attunement by a spellcaster. Requires Attunement

Bound in iridescent leather, this spellbook is filled with elegant diagrams of celestial bodies, complex mathematical calculations, and intricate spell formulae that seem to shift and flow when observed from different angles. It's said to have been written by a master of chronurgy magic, a wizard who sought to unravel the secrets of time itself.   This book contains three 8th level and two 9th level spells. Decoding this book requires extensive research as it is written entirely in a cipher that changes over time. However, this process can be accelerated by subjecting yourself to the mental strain that occurs after solving an Infernal Puzzle Box.   Decoded knowledge:

8th level spells: Reality Break, Power Word: Stun, Demiplane

9th level spells: Time Stop, Time Ravage

The page that Elara Ashenwort refused to speak about appears to still be coded, perhaps with a different cypher.   Temporal Insights: Once attuned to this book, you gain proficiency in the History skill and advantage on History checks related to events from the past.   Echo of Time: Once per long rest, when you cast a leveled spell from the book, you can cause the spell to "echo" through time. The echo allows you to cast the same spell at its lowest level without using a spell slot or any material components on your next turn. This echoed spell can't be enhanced by using a higher level spell slot.   Temporal Shift: Once per long rest, when you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you can instead choose to be reduced to 1 hit point. This represents a subtle manipulation of time to avoid a potentially fatal blow.


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