Delon-Estin Oti

Sitting in the center of a massive cog is a city with 20 perfectly symmetrical walls and a single gate to enter the town. Here, farmers till the land, tend to their animals and live in relative peace with the rest of Mechanus. This town, perfectly laid out like a spider web, is for any who seek freedom from their passions and wish to make their home here, and all are welcome to stay so long as they follow the law.

The town is one of peace and tranquility, a place where everything is so ordered and habitual that citizens anticipate the course of time and flow of conversation, interrupting visitors who are mistaken about what the future holds.

Of course, this is where the Cogswell family resides, a family of Chronurgy wizards who have studied this phenomenon of “known anticipation”. Time has a strange relationship with Delon-Estin Oti. Well, perhaps not strange. Perhaps this phenomenon is intended, and natural. It would be no stretch to state that Primus, God of Modrons and ruler of Mechanus intended for Delon-Estin Oti to be a place fit for Chronurgy wizards to hone their skills. They do serve a greater purpose in Mechanus, after all.
Keep the Cogs spinning, no matter what!
, as Alyssa Cogswell always says.


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