

Elysium is a plane that is devoted to the idea of the common good, where the residents are peaceful, helpful, and offer advice to their neighbors and travelers. Trust is given freely in Elysium, and visitors are welcomed with open arms and friendly smiles. Although danger still exists in Elysium, malevolent forces are rare, and the guardinals maintain a watchful eye over their homes at all times. It is widely thought that conflict doesn’t exist in such a place, but that couldn’t be further from the truth – it just very rarely turns violent or ugly.

The River Oceanus is the most prominent feature of the plane. It is a sparkling crystal blue river which flows slowly throughout the two layers of Elysium, winding back and forth on over countless miles, spilling innocently from layer to layer as well as into other planes of Good alignment.

The Guardinals

The plane is watched over and protected by a powerful race of celestials called guardinals, who protect high moralistic good and travel across the multiverse on quests to fight tyranny and injustice. Each caste of guardianals resembles a hybrid between animal and humanoid, from the hulking bear-like ursenals to the ferocious lion-maned leonals. The Six Companions are the most capable of the guardinal celestials and dedicate themselves to the highest ideals of Elysium. Prince Leonid leads them but his voice is but one of the Six Companions.


Amoria, the top most layer of Elysium, is the most populated and most temperate, with a lush landscape of vibrant colors, resembling a picturesque Material Plane world where the colors of nature are enhanced to a pleasing effect. The River Oceanus has hundreds of smaller tributaries, and many small cities and towns sit on the river banks of this layer. Animals cavort and play in the sun-dappled glades, and the residents lend a helpful hand in the name of the greater good.


Eronia, the second layer, is a realm of rough mountain peaks and dazzling waterfalls. This layer is also the origin of the River Oceanus, with hundreds of islands that stand amidst the tranquil blue waters. Many of these islands are the home to heroes and kings enjoying a final rest, some waiting for the day to be called back to The Material Plane, while others simply enjoy an eternity of restful solitude in a paradise of golden beaches, sweet fruits, and merciful skies. Though it has fewer inhabitants, everyone who stays in Eronia enjoys the contented feeling of conquering a mountain or navigating difficult rapids.
Great Wheel Model


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