Ethereal Plane


The Ethereal Plane is a strange, otherworldly realm that exists parallel to the Material Plane. It is a place of mists and swirling energy, where the boundaries between the physical world and the spiritual realm are blurred. Traveling through the Ethereal Plane can be dangerous, as it is easy to become disoriented or confused.

Spirits and Dreams

Spirits and ghosts can be found here, as well as mysterious creatures that are native to the plane itself. The Ethereal Plane is also rumored to be a gateway to the mysterious plane of dreams.

Tactical Plane Travel

This plane is also often used by spellcasters as a means of travel; many spells allow the caster to step into this plane for a short duration, even during combat. While in the Ethereal Plane, a caster is typically safe from danger, and can take a moment to think before returning to their world. However, even experienced spellcasters must exercise caution, as the unpredictable nature of this plane can lead to unexpected dangers, such as remaining stuck here for eternity.
Great Wheel Model


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