Forest Gnome

Forest gnomes are a subrace of gnomes that live in the forests. They are small, standing about 3 feet tall and weighing around 35 pounds. Forest gnomes have tan or brown skin, dark hair, and brown eyes. They are known for their love of nature and their connection to it, and are often skilled at woodworking and animal training. Forest gnomes are friendly and outgoing, and often interact with other forest-dwelling races such as elves and druids, though the Gnomish Territories are quite far from the Elvish Lands . They are known for their love of pranks and practical jokes, and are often seen as mischievous.

Eating Habits

Forest gnomes are crafty hunters and gatheres, they regularly hunt small game and gather berries, nuts, and other wild foods. In general, forest gnomes have a diverse diet that includes both plant and animal sources.

Funeral Rites

Forest gnomes wrap their dead in linen and bury them in beautiful forests. It is tradition to plant an acorn above the grave, so that the body serves as fertilizer for a future tree.


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