Fraternity of Orders

On a small cog is a 2-mile wide fortress, known as the Fortress of Disciplined Enlightenment, with spires that reach far into the void of Mechanus. Metallic Golems patrol the fortress, ensuring that no one trespasses on the Fraternity of Orders who are attempting to learn the very laws of the cosmos on the behalf of Mystra. Mathematicians, clerks, philosophers, legal aides, Chronurgy wizards and bureaucrats all make up this faction, and they work non-stop to further their understandings of law and order. Inside of this fortress are a multitude of libraries all containing untold numbers of tomes on legal text and laws from across the planes.

Chronurgy wizards, such as the Cogswell family, are important members of the Fraternity of Orders . They serve Mystra directly in her secret purpose; to restore the cosmos to a state of complete and perfect order. Chronurgy wizards study diligently to gain a deeper understanding of time, but more specifically, time reversal.


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