Fullbright's Fantastic Fix-Alls for Odd Ailments

Purpose / Function

We sell herbal remedies at an affordable price. Fully natural, backed by science, and created locally to "ease" ailments and deficiencies. If you have any sort of problem with your body, we have a solution for you. Operated by a licensed doctor with years of experience, you'll be in good hands at Fullbright's Fantastic Fix-Alls for Odd Ailments!


A basement was constructed on the 14th of Olarune 853AC (1300 gold to be paid, 200 paid so far)


It is a modest, one-room shop filled with the comforting smells of home-cooking harshly tainted by the medicinal scents of decoctions, potions, and lotions. Which is mildly off-putting. If it wasn't so dark and dingy inside (and out, that sign could use some TLC), it might have a better reputation and a less desperate clientele.


This article has no secrets.


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