
Livewood is a green-colored hardwood with a highly magical nature. When livewood trees are felled, they do not die, though they stop all growth. Livewood can be worked like normal hardwood, while it remains completely alive. In most respects, livewood is just like normal wood.

A few spells are believed to affect livewood in different ways from normal wood.

The legend claim that the trees of The Iron Forest are livewood, though none are brave enough to venture into the woods to find out. Legends also claim that The Ash Forest consists of corrupted livewood, though many simply say that the trees are just dead. The Sacred Forest of Ilsanor and The Olithir forest are also thought to be made of livewood. Mystical, strange and dangerous creatures tend to congregate near Livewood, as the spirit of a Livewood forest itself tends to call to all manners of creatures.

Plant growth causes worked livewood to sprout small branches and leaves, though diminish plants has no effect. Speak with plants allows a character to communicate with a livewood object, though such an object has no more awareness of its surroundings than most normal plants. Blight deals damage to a livewood object as if the object were a plant creature (1d6 points of damage per level; the wood’s hardness does not apply). A character can use tree stride to move from one livewood object to another, or from a livewood tree to a livewood object (and vice versa), as long as the livewood object is large enough. Animate plants can animate a livewood object.


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