Magical Arrows

Prices list are for bundles of 5 arrows.

Arrow Name Description Price
Poisoncloud On hit, the arrow releases poisonous gas in a 10ft sphere, lightly obscuring vision in that area. The cloud lasts for 10 rounds, unless removed by a strong wind. Creatures take 1d4 poison damage on entering the cloud, or 1d4 poison damage on the start of their turn if they are in the cloud. 300
Magefire Fire arrows that magically ignite once fired. Deals 1d6 extra fire damage and ignites non-worn, non-carried flammable materials. 100
Explosive These arrows explode on hit. All creatures within a 10ft radius must make a 15DC dex saving throw or take 2d10 fire damage. Ignites non-worn, non-carried flammable materials. 300
Ice These arrows are cold to the touch. On hit, the target takes 1d8 cold damage and must pass a 15DC con saving throw or suffer -10ft to their movement speed and have disadvantage on dex saving throws for 3 rounds (does not stack) 300
Acid On hit, the target takes 1d8 acid damage and must pass a 15DC con saving throw or suffer -2 to their AC and have disadvantage of con saving throws for 3 rounds (does not stack). 300
Thunderclap These arrows release a thunderous explosion on hit. All creatures within a 10ft radius must make a 15DC con saving throw or take 2d8 thunder damage, are pushed back 5ft and fall prone. Loose objects are automatically pushed 5ft away. 300
Lightning These arrows cast a streak of lightning in their wake. Any creatures within 5ft of a line between you and your target (including your target, but not yourself) must make a DC15 dex saving throw or take 1d8 lightning damage. 300
Mindpiercers On hit, the target takes 1d8 psychic damage and must pass an int saving throw or has disadvantage on intelligence and wisdom saving throws for 3 rounds. 300
Holy These arrows shine with a holy brilliance. On hit, deals 1d8 radiant damage. An evil-aligned target must pass a DC15 wis saving throw or be frightened of the attacker for 10 rounds or until the line of sight is broken. 600


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