
God of the Hunt

Malar is a chaotic evil god of savage beasts, bloodlust, and the hunt. He is revered by those who enjoy hunting for sport or the thrill of the kill. Malar is considered to be one of the more brutal and bloodthirsty deities.  

Typical worshipers

Malar is worshipped by hunters, lycanthropes, and other followers who are drawn to the wild and untamed parts of the world. His worship is often associated with barbaric and tribal cultures, and those who seek to unleash their primal instincts.  

Clerical practice

Malar's clerics often act as hunters or enforcers, carrying out his will by hunting down and killing those who oppose his interests or threaten the natural order. They often live in the wilderness, close to the beasts they emulate, and perform savage rituals to gain their god's favor.  

Rituals and prayers

Malar's followers often offer sacrifices of hunted prey to their deity, seeking his favor and blessing for future hunts. They also perform savage rituals, often involving blood and violence, to appease their god and draw on his power. Malar's prayers are often shouted or growled, and invoke the power of the hunt and the raw savagery of nature.
Divine Classification
Intermediate God


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