
Modrons are geometrically shaped creatures that live, breathe, and operate to keep Mechanus ticking and running smoothly. Modron culture is simple. Each modron obeys all commands given to it by any modron one rank higher. These commands are obeyed without question. Modrons are only aware of modrons one rank higher than they are, for example, a quadrone can issue orders to tridrones, duodrones, and monodrones, but will only obey orders from pentadrones. If a modron higher in rank than a pentadrone issued an order to a quadrone, it would view it as some exceptionally powerful pentadrone.

All modrons are aware of the existence of Primus, however. Modrons are unwavering in their devotion to order, departing Mechanus to complete strange tasks in the name of law. The modrons serve Primus, the mysterious godlike ruler of Mechanus.

The Hierarch's are mysterious Modrons that have yet to appear, though legends of their existence exists. The legends say that there are 9 Hierarchs, starting from Decaton and descending all the way to Secundus. These beings are said to be a crucial source of power for Primus, but in what ways is unknown.

There are fourteen castes of modrons, divided in two major categories:
Modron Population
Monodrone 300 million+
Duodrone 55 million+
Tridrone 6 million+
Quadrone 1.5 million+
Quadrone 1.5 million+
Pentadrone 500,000
Decaton 1
Nonaton 1
Octon 1
Septon 1
Hexton 1
Quinton 1
Quarton 1
Tertian 1
Secundus 1


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