Ore Types

Sorus, a land rich in lore and resources, is renowned for its vast array of precious ores and metals. The heart of this abundance lies in the Mines of Farum, located within the industrious Dwarven Empire. These mines are the primary source for the majority of metals found throughout Sorus, providing materials essential for construction, warfare, and artistry.  

Adamantium and Mithral: The Rarest of Them All

  Adamantium: This rare, ferrous metal is an alloy of platinum, silver, and electrum. Known for its unparalleled strength and durability, Adamantium boasts a black hue with a unique green sheen, turning purple-white under magical light. Its rarity and toughness make it highly sought after, especially for crafting weapons and armor capable of withstanding the most brutal of battles. Mithral: A non-ferrous metal, Mithral is as renowned for its beauty as for its utility. This silvery-blue, shining metal is lighter than steel but just as hard, making it a prized material for crafting armor and other items where strength and flexibility are desired.  

Common Metals with Uncommon Uses

Iron and Steel: Iron, a silver-white, ferrous metal, is the backbone of Sorus's construction and weaponry. When alloyed with carbon, it forms steel, known for its increased strength and versatility. While common, their importance in everyday life and warfare cannot be overstated. Copper and Bronze: Copper's distinctive pinkish sheen and Bronze's red-brown luster are sights common in the markets of Sorus. Used in everything from coins to cookware, these metals are a staple in both commerce and daily life. Silver and Gold: Beyond their monetary value, Silver and Gold are vital in magical applications. Silver's affinity with magic makes it a preferred material for magical implements, while Gold's conductivity and resistance to tarnish make it invaluable in high-quality craftsmanship.  

Specialty Metals for the Discerning

Electrum and Platinum: These metals, with their unique properties and significant worth, are often used in ceremonial and high-status items. Electrum, a natural alloy of silver and gold, and Platinum, with its light gray sheen and substantial weight, are symbols of wealth and power. Cold Iron: Sought after for its ability to ward off fey creatures and other magical beings, Cold Iron is as much a tool of protection as it is a weapon against the supernatural.  

The Colorful and the Uncommon

Brass and Lead: While not as glamorous as their precious counterparts, Brass and Lead have their places in Sorus's society. Brass, with its gold-like appearance, is used in decorative items and instruments, while Lead, known for its density and malleability, serves in protection against certain magical and physical threats. Tin: Often used as a protective coating or in alloys, Tin is a soft, silvery-white metal that plays a crucial role in maintaining the longevity and durability of other metals.  

Trade and Economy

The mining, refinement, and trade of these metals are pillars of Sorus's economy, with the Dwarven Empire at its center. Skilled dwarven smiths and artisans are renowned for their ability to craft the finest items from these precious materials, and their craftsmanship is sought after across all realms.   https://olddungeonmaster.com/2016/12/02/dd-5e-metals/


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