Positive Plane

The Positive Energy Plane isn't located in a physical sense but rather exists in a higher state of reality. It transcends the typical understanding of space and distance, lying at the metaphysical crossroads of life and creation.   Visually, this plane is a spectacle of dazzling light and vibrant energy, where the very air pulsates with the essence of creation. It's an ever-shifting landscape of luminous hues, transcending physical form and substance.  

Perilous to the Living

Just as the Negative Energy Plane erodes and consumes, the Positive Energy Plane's intense life energy can overwhelm living beings. A visitor without protection may find themselves inundated by life force, leading to a perilous condition known as 'positive energy inundation,' where the sheer vitality can cause their physical form to unravel.  

Birthplace of Souls

Souls are believed to emerge from this radiant plane, infused with its life-giving energy. It's a realm where the essence of existence is woven into being.  

Cycle of Souls

Upon death, souls return here, melding back into the plane's boundless energy. This return is more than an end; it's a reintegration into the plane's endless cycle of creation. This is why retrieving a soul from this plane for resurrection is a formidable task. The longer a soul dwells here, the more entwined it becomes with the plane's fabric, necessitating powerful magic to extract it.  

Accessing the Plane

Divine Gateways: Typically, access to the Positive Energy Plane is restricted to deities and other celestial beings. They may utilize divine gateways or portals, often hidden or guarded in celestial domains or sanctified locations within The Material Plane.   Rituals and Artifacts: High-level magical rituals or ancient artifacts, often created by gods or archmages, can provide temporary access to this plane. These methods are exceedingly rare and fraught with danger, as this knowledge is usually protected or lost in dangerous locations.   Spiritual Ascension: Exceptional individuals might access this plane through spiritual ascension, a process of aligning one's essence with the plane's energy. This often involves rigorous spiritual quests or enlightenment.  

Considerations for Mortals

For mortals, any attempt to access the Positive Energy Plane requires potent protective magic to prevent being overwhelmed by its raw energy.   Often, access to this plane is a matter of faith, legend, or divine favor rather than a physical journey. It's more about achieving a particular state of spiritual resonance than physical travel.  
Great Wheel Model


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