
God of Centaurs and Satyrs

Skerrit is a benevolent god who protects the sylvan lands and watches over woodland communities. He is the god of centaurs and satyrs, who venerate neutrality and strive to maintain natural balance.  

Typical worshipers

Skerrit is worshipped by centaurs, satyrs, and other creatures of the forest who seek to live in harmony with nature. His followers are often hunters or protectors of the forest.  

Clerical practice

Skerrit's clerics are often hunters or protectors of the forest, and they work to maintain the natural balance of the land. They may also act as guides for travelers through the forest.  

Rituals and Prayers

Skerrit's rituals and prayers often involve offerings of food, drink, or other gifts to appease the god and seek his favor. They may also involve hunting or tracking rituals, as well as ceremonies to celebrate the changing of the seasons and the natural cycles of life.
Divine Classification
Lesser God


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