Stout Halfling

Stout halflings are small humanoid creatures known for their strength and their love of hearth and home. They stand about 3 feet tall and generally have thick, curly hair, with a tendency towards ruddy skin and brown or black eyes. Stout halflings are known for their love of comfort and security, and they value tradition and community. They are generally friendly and good-natured, and are skilled at working with their hands. Stout halflings are also known for their natural athleticism and their love of adventure, and they are often found traveling or exploring new areas. However, they are more inclined to stay close to home and their communities than other halflings.

Eating Habits

The hill folk were the first to develop agriculture, and have mastered the art of cooking. They are solely vegetarians, but are fans of breads, cakes, pasta and cheese. While there are many stout Halfling chefs, they tend to keep their talents to their own communities instead of living in other Realms as lightfoot halflings are known to do.

Funeral Rites

Stout halflings, like lightfoot halflings, hold open casket wakes that are always followed by cremation. Ashes are saved and spread amongst the fields during planting season. After the wake, it is customary to host a large feast that serves the deceased's favorite foods.


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