
Goddess of Beauty and Love

Sune, also known as Lady Firehair, is the goddess of beauty and love. She is primarily associated with love based on outward beauty, and her dogma emphasizes the importance of loving those who respond to the Sunite's appearance. Sune's symbol is that of a beautiful woman with red hair.  

Typical Worshipers

Sune's worshipers are predominantly those who value physical appearance and its power. They include artists, poets, nobles, and anyone who values beauty and romance. Many young lovers pray to Sune for guidance in their relationships, and those seeking to enhance their physical appearance may also seek her favor.  

Clerical Practice

Sune's clerics are expected to be well-groomed and beautifully dressed at all times. They often offer makeovers or styling advice to their followers and provide assistance with romantic pursuits. Sune's clergy also maintain temples and shrines dedicated to the goddess, which are typically adorned with beautiful artwork and sculptures.  

Rituals and Prayers

Sunites offer prayers and offerings of flowers and perfume to Sune, often accompanied by music and dance. They hold beauty contests and other competitions to honor the goddess, and some engage in acts of romantic love in her name. Sune's clerics perform marriage ceremonies and often provide counseling to couples experiencing difficulties in their relationships.
Divine Classification
Greater God

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