The Blademarks

Elite knights for hire, the Blademarks are available as bodyguards, adventuring companions, or perhaps as a friendly knight to accompany you to the dance. With your purchase of a Blademarks protection package, you are guaranteed the highest standard of care from this Guild of professional, honor bound knights in literal shining armor.  


The Blademarks guild building resembles more a noble estate than a castle or keep. Beautiful art work, fine china, finely crafted elven chairs and tables can be expected in the large circular chamber where Sir Arthorias, leader of the guild, is typically enjoying a cup of tea.


The Blademarks are a group of knights that strongly believe in self-reliance and self-governance, which is why they established a guild instead of joining the Norbury City Guard Headquarters. Each knight is unique of course, but the Blademarks are held together by three things; their strong sense of honor, their trademark plate armor with golden fur cloak and their leader Sir Arthorias.
Military, Knightly Order

Articles under The Blademarks


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