The Elemental Plane of Air


The Elemental Plane of Air is a realm of endless skies and boundless freedom. The plane is an open expanse of air currents, clouds, and vast spaces with little solid ground. Elemental creatures such as djinn and air elementals are at home here, flying through the skies with ease. Visitors to this plane must be prepared for the constant gusts of wind and the lack of breathable air at higher altitudes.


The plane is divided into regions, each with its own unique characteristics. The region closest to the material plane is known as the Border Elemental Plane, where visitors can access the plane through natural portals or magic. The region closest to the center of the plane is the Great Currents, where the winds are strongest and the currents most treacherous. The other regions include the Sky Cliffs, floating islands that can be home to dangerous creatures, and the Windswept Depths, where powerful winds can pull travelers off course.

City of Winds

The Elemental Plane of Air is also known for the City of the Winds, a massive metropolis ruled by the djinn. The city floats above the clouds and is a hub of trade, magic, and politics. The djinn are known for their mastery of air magic and are often called upon by adventurers for their aid in traversing the plane's dangers.
Great Wheel Model


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