The Elemental Plane of Earth


The elemental plane of Earth is a place of immense weight and crushing pressure, where massive mountains and bottomless chasms exist in an endless expanse of darkness. The landscape is made up of vast, craggy expanses of stone and earth, punctuated by deep caverns and underground rivers. The air here is thick and heavy, filled with the dust and debris kicked up by the constant shifting of the ground.


The creatures that inhabit the elemental plane of Earth are as varied as the landscape itself, from the powerful and proud earth elementals to the cunning and mischievous xorns. Many of these creatures are hostile to outsiders, seeing them as intruders into their domain, and will attack without provocation. The plane is also home to a number of powerful and ancient beings, including the dao, elemental lords who rule over great swaths of the plane with iron fists.

Hidden Treasure

Despite its dangers, the elemental plane of Earth is a place of great beauty and wonder, with many hidden treasures and secrets waiting to be uncovered by brave and resourceful adventurers. Those who can brave the crushing weight of the earth and the hostility of its inhabitants may find riches beyond their wildest dreams, or knowledge that could change the course of history.
Great Wheel Model


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