The Elemental Plane of Fire


The Elemental Plane of Fire is a realm of intense heat and flames, where fire reigns supreme. It is a plane of raw energy and primal power, where the very essence of fire itself is magnified to unimaginable levels. The plane is a barren wasteland of ash, with rivers of molten lava and seas of burning flames. The sky is a brilliant inferno of ever-changing colors, and the air is filled with the crackling of flames.


The denizens of the Elemental Plane of Fire are beings of pure flame and energy, ranging from small, wispy sprites to colossal titans of fire. These beings are immune to fire and can manipulate it at will, using it to create or destroy as they see fit. The most powerful of these beings are the efreeti, powerful genie-like creatures with immense power and influence.


Traveling to the Elemental Plane of Fire is not for the faint of heart. The intense heat and flames can incinerate unprepared travelers in seconds. Those who do venture to this plane do so for many reasons, including the pursuit of power or knowledge, the desire to harness the elemental energy of fire, or simply for the thrill of facing the fiery dangers that lie within.

The City of Brass

The Brass City, the capital of the efreeti race in the Elemental Plane of Fire, is a grand metropolis filled with towering brass buildings, bustling markets, and opulent palaces. Ruled by the cunning and wealthy Sultan of the Efreet, the city is a place of danger and intrigue, where efreeti constantly scheme for power and visitors must be cautious. The markets offer exotic goods and services, but bargaining with efreeti merchants can be harrowing.

The city is also home to dangerous creatures, including the fiercely loyal salamanders who serve as the efreeti's army.
Great Wheel Model


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