The Godsland

Deep within the fabric of the cosmos lies a place of profound mystery and power, known to the few who have witnessed it as the Godsland. This realm, ethereal and boundless, serves as a meeting ground for the gods and those mortals they deem worthy or necessary to visit through divine intervention. Access to the Godsland is a rare and momentous event, typically triggered by a god's direct action or a powerful surge of magic.  

The Journey to Godsland

The path to the Godsland is as mystical as the destination itself. It begins with a mortal's magical essence, the very core of their being, pouring out and manifesting physically around them. This essence crystallizes into a large octahedron, a protective cocoon that safeguards the body as the spirit embarks on its otherworldly journey. Inside this crystalline sanctuary, the individual is momentarily suspended between two realities before being whisked away to the Godsland.  

The Landscape of the Divine

Upon arrival, visitors find themselves in an environment that defies mortal understanding. The Godsland is a realm of infinite variety and indescribable beauty. Central to the experience is a vast circular pool, a mirror to the soul and spirit, reflecting not water but a liquid manifestation of the magical essence that brought them here. Surrounding this pool are landscapes of every conceivable nature: mountains that soar to impossible heights, some capped with eternal snow, others spewing volcanic fire, and still others teeming with life or standing desolate and stark against the sky.  

Meeting with Divinity

While the Godsland offers a rare opportunity for direct communication between gods and mortals, its use is fraught with consequences. Any god who brings a mortal here risks violating the Pact of the Gods, a set of ancient agreements that restrict direct divine interference in the mortal world. As such, visits to the Godsland are extremely rare, reserved for moments of dire need, divine punishment, or when the balance of the cosmos itself is at stake.  
Great Wheel Model


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