The Harpers


The Harpers are a group of powerful and influential individuals who are dedicated to preserving balance and promoting good in the world. The Harpers are known for their skills in diplomacy, stealth, and infiltration, and they often work behind the scenes to achieve their goals.

The Harpers are a secret society that has existed for centuries, with members drawn from all walks of life and all parts of the world, though the leaders of the organization are Harper family members themselves. Every Harper is dedicated to preserving knowledge, justice, and freedom, and they often work to oppose those who seek to abuse power or disrupt the natural order of things. The Harpers are said to have a network of agents and allies throughout Sorus, and they are known for their extensive knowledge and resources.

Welcome, Watcher. There are two rules to being a Harper. First, do not betray the core beliefs or the motto. Second, keep your identity concealed where possible. We strive in the shadows. Gather information, discern any imbalances within each region, and promote fairness and equality by covert means. Act openly as a last resort. Thwart any leader, government, or group that grows too powerful. Aid the weak, the poor, and the oppressed. The Harper's have a lot of influence, don't abuse your power. Don't screw up. We are always watching.

-Harper brochure given to new Watcher recruits


Watcher -> Harpshadow -> Brightcandle -> Wise Owl -> High Harper

Public Agenda


Down with Tyranny, fairness and equality for all.


  • One can never have too much information, though information can be dangerous in the wrong hands
  • Too much power leads to corruption
  • No one should be powerless
Government, Leadership
Notable Members

Articles under The Harpers

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