The Nine Hells


The Nine Hells is a plane of existence that is entirely devoted to law, order, and evil. It is a realm ruled by devils, and its very structure is based on a rigid hierarchy of power and authority. At the top of this hierarchy sits Asmodeus, the lord of all devils, who is said to be the creator of the Nine Hells and the mastermind behind its infernal machinations.

Lawfully Binding Contracts

In the Nine Hells, everything is based on rules, contracts, and bargains. Devils are notorious for their love of contracts and their ability to twist and manipulate the wording of agreements to their advantage. Law is not just a concept in the Nine Hells; it is a tangible force that permeates everything. Mortals who find themselves in the Nine Hells are subject to its laws, whether they like it or not, and breaking those laws can lead to dire consequences.

The Nine Hells is not just a place of punishment, however. It is also a place of opportunity for those who are willing to play the devil's game. Mortals who are clever enough to navigate the intricate web of contracts and bargains can gain immense power and wealth in the Nine Hells. But they must always be careful, for devils are notoriously untrustworthy, and a wrong move can lead to eternal damnation.

The Rank and File

The hierarchy of devils can be summarized as follows:

  1. Lemures and nupperibos: These devils are the lowest of the low and are essentially worthless. They are only useful when combined into a horde that can flood the battlefield.
  2. Imps: These devils are specialists assigned to tasks best suited to their capabilities. They rarely command other devils.
  3. Spined devils: These devils are similar to imps in their role and abilities.
  4. Bearded devils and merregons: These devils are also specialists and are used for specific tasks.
  5. Barbed devils: These devils are more powerful than the previous ranks and are sometimes used as commanders.
  6. Chain devils: These devils specialize in torture and punishment.
  7. Bone devils: These devils are skilled in creating and controlling undead creatures.
  8. Horned devils and orthons: These devils are even more powerful than the previous ranks and commonly lead lesser devils.
  9. Erinyes: These devils are female and specialize in seduction and corruption.
  10. Ice devils and narzugons: These devils are combat commanders and captains.
  11. Amnizus and pit fiends: These devils are the generals and nobles of Hell and commonly lead other devils.
  12. Archdevils: These are the mightiest of devils and any archdevil that doesn't serve as lord of a layer is given the title of Duke or Duchess.
  13. Asmodeus: At the top of the hierarchy stands Asmodeus, the Lord of the Nine Hells, who rules over all other devils.

The Nine Hells

The Nine Hells are divided into nine layers, each with its own unique characteristics and inhabitants. The layers are arranged in a vertical hierarchy, with the first layer (Avernus) at the top and the ninth layer (Nessus) at the bottom.


The first layer of the Nine Hells, Avernus, is a blasted wasteland of iron fortresses, twisted machinery, and battlefields. It is a realm of eternal war, where demonic hordes and infernal legions clash in endless conflict. At the heart of this layer is the great citadel of Fort Knucklebone, where the archdevil Zariel commands her armies of devils in their struggle against the Abyss. Zariel is a fierce and uncompromising commander, who demands absolute loyalty and discipline from her followers. Her ultimate goal is to conquer the Abyss and claim it for the Nine Hells.


The second layer of the Nine Hells, Dis, is a city of iron and stone, built on the banks of the river Styx. The city is a labyrinth of twisting streets, towering spires, and hidden chambers, all watched over by the archdevil Dispater, the most impressive arms dealer in all of the cosmos. Dispater is a master of intrigue and deception, who values loyalty and obedience above all else. He rules Dis with an iron fist, and his spies and agents are everywhere. Despite its reputation as a city of the damned, Dis is a place of great wealth and power, and many mortal souls are willing to sell their souls to gain entry.


The third layer of the Nine Hells, Minauros, is a fetid swamp of toxic sludge and poisonous gases. The air is thick with the stench of decay, and the ground is alive with writhing masses of vermin and insects. At the center of the layer lies the palace of the archdevil Mammon, a vast treasure hoard of gold, jewels, and other riches. Mammon is a greedy and avaricious devil, who delights in hoarding wealth and forcing others to serve him. He is also a master of commerce and trade, and many mortal souls have made deals with him in exchange for wealth and power.


The fourth layer of the Nine Hells, Phlegethos, is a fiery wasteland of volcanoes, magma, and burning ash ruled jointly by the charismatic Fierna and the lawful Belial. However, amidst the fiery chaos, there is one city that stands out: Abriymoch. This city is the seat of power for Belial and the location of the infamous Diabolical Court, where the judicial system of the Nine Hells is overseen by the archdevil himself.

Despite its official purpose, Abriymoch is a place of decadence and indulgence, with devilish versions of taverns, theaters, and casinos offering all manner of pleasures for the infernal denizens of the city. It is also the location where promotions and demotions within the hierarchy of the Nine Hells are handled through a special ritual that involves the fires of Phlegethos.


The fifth layer of the Nine Hells, Stygia, is a frozen wasteland of ice and snow, where glaciers and icy mountains stretch as far as the eye can see. The layer is home to a variety of ice-based devils, who serve the archdevil Levistus. Levistus is a devil of secrets and intrigue, who is trapped within a massive iceberg at the heart of the layer. He seeks to escape his prison, and is willing to bargain with mortal souls to achieve his freedom. The layer is also home to a variety of creatures adapted to the harsh cold, including giant ice worms and deadly snow golems.


Malbolge is known as the prison of Hell, a layer ruled by Glasya, the daughter of Asmodeus. She is both the ruler and the prisoner of this dark realm, a fitting punishment for her previous actions. Devils that stray from the strict rules and laws of Hell are brought to Phlegethos for trial and then sent to Malbolge to endure years of torment. The layer itself is an infinitely tall mountain slope, constantly bombarded with falling boulders and debris. The devilish architecture of the layer consists of adamantine structures built into the slope, and prisoners are shackled to adamantine pillars to endure horrible torture.


Maladomini is a meticulously ordered layer, where Baalzebul rules with an iron fist, ensuring that every devil adheres to his intricate system of bureaucracy. Baalzebul is known to be one of the most intelligent and ambitious archdevils in all of Hell. However, his ambition led him to attempt to overthrow Asmodeus, for which he was severely punished. Asmodeus imposed two laws on him: first, whenever Baalzebul lies to a devil, he spends a year as a revolting slug-like creature, and second, any deal Baalzebul makes ends up being a disaster for the other party. These laws prevent Baalzebul from allying himself with other archdevils and carrying out his grand plans.   The layer itself is a marvel of architecture and engineering, with intricate gardens, imposing fortresses, and stunning bridges. Beneath the surface, ancient archives hold the records of all laws and contracts, guarded by devils and deadly traps. Baalzebul's bureaucracy is meticulous, and every devil must adhere to his strict system to avoid the punishment of the slug.


The eighth layer of the Nine Hells, Cania, is a frozen wasteland of ice and darkness, where the cold is so intense that it can freeze the blood of mortals. The layer is ruled by the archdevil Mephistopheles, a devil of treachery and cunning, who delights in making bargains and deals with mortals. Mephistopheles is a master of magic, and his citadel, the Iron Tower, is said to contain countless treasures and magical artifacts. The layer is also home to a variety of ice-based creatures, including ice dragons and frost giants, who are fiercely loyal to Mephistopheles.


The ninth and final layer of the Nine Hells, Nessus, is a realm of fire and brimstone, where the air is thick with ash and the ground is cracked and seared. The layer is ruled by the archdevil Asmodeus, the lord of all devils, who sits upon his throne of bones in the heart of the realm. Asmodeus is a being of immense power and cunning, who is said to be the creator of the Nine Hells and the architect of the entire infernal hierarchy. He is served by legions of devils, who are fanatically loyal to their lord and master. Nessus is a place of ultimate evil and corruption, where the very air is infused with the power of the Nine Hells.
Great Wheel Model


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