Hammerhold Settlement in The Remnant | World Anvil
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Hammerhold is the city dedicated to the god Muspell. It is located on the cliffs surrounding the volcano known as Muspel’s Hammer, and is home to many dwarves, giants, and gnomes. The city is famed for its skilled craftsmen, and many travel to acquire the finely crafted weapons that are made here. Few are able to stay for long, as the air in the region is full of ash and toxic gasses from various volcanic vents, making it so that the only permanent inhabitants are those of particularly hardy races. Hammerhold is a largely subterranean city, with tunnels stretching all throughout the island of Askenbjerg. This allows the citizens of Hammerhold to travel in relative safety.


35% dwarf, 30% giant, 20% gnome, 10% Orc, 5% other


Hammerhold is led by a triumvirate who share the title of Jarl. The members of the triumvirate are chosen from among the leaders of the Great Clans that rule Hammerhold, and hold their positions for life, though they can choose to step down, and can be removed by their clan if they lose confidence in their representative.


Hammerhold is protected by a standing force of 1500 known as the Hammerguard. They are particularly famed for the large number of giants in their ranks, making them a notably deadly defense force.

Industry & Trade

Hammerhold's primary export is weapons and armor made from the materials mined around Muspell's Hammer. In particular the craftspeople of Hammerhold are highly adept at working with the material Siccatite and can use techniques developed by Frost and Fire giants to make weapons and armor that specialize in heat and cold.

Hammerhold also manages to produce one of the most consistent sources of meat in the Northern Reach by farming gorgons. Gorgons make for very dangerous livestock and cannot really be domesticated, but since they can eat stone and rocks for nutrients the denizens of Hammerhold have been able to trap them in secluded valleys where they are able to freely roam. The gorgon tenders then hunt individual gorgons after separating them from the herds. Gorgon meat has a strange earthy taste, but since it is readily available in comparison to most meats, it sells quite well. The city also breeds several herds of mountain goats that serve as a source of meat, milk, and labor, though the conditions of the city keep these herds relatively small meaning that the price of what they produce is quite high.

There is very limited agriculture that can be done in Hammerhold. They are able to farm a few different species of moss and mushrooms that feed off of the gases released by volcanic vents, but most forms of edible plant life need to be imported from other cities.


Hammerhold is built upon a series of cliffs, and is warmed by volcanic activity. Vents and pipes are used to transport heat throughout the city. Streets in Hammerhold tend to be very wide to accommodate for the giants in the city and most buildings will have multiple entrances and hallways to ensure that everyone can get around without issue. Underneath the city are the warded tunnels of Hammerhold. These tunnels are heavily reinforced with metal and stone, and enchanted with powerful runes to ward off dangerous creatures and the influence of Genesis.


Hammerhold was the second city founded in the Northern Reach after the Third Calamity. The leadership had made several attempts to settle in more habitable regions, but found that that were in need of more weapons in order to properly clear out a region of the dangerous creatures that inhabited it, and realized that the area that would become Hammerhold would provide the best source of ore. Settling was difficult, and the people of the Northern Reach relied on the strength and fortitude of several different clans of giants to gain a foothold. Several groups of dwarves were also sent along for their expertise in stone working, which would be invaluable on the fairly desolate island of Askenbjerg that Hammerhold was to be built on as wood was very sparse. Over the years Hammerhold grew into a powerful city on its own, though it still takes pride in its role of arming the rest of the Northern Reach.

Hammerhold also held a key role during the Reign of the Mad Tyrant. The Mad Tyrant Wridnir rose to power by becoming Jarl of Hammerhold, and used ancient rune magic to dominate the giants who lived there before leading them on a war of conquest against the rest of the Northern Reach. Wridnir nearly conquered the entire Reach, before being slain in battle. It was after Wridnir's death that Hammerhold decided to share the power of Jarl as a triumvirate instead of a single ruler, in order to prevent a repeat. Studies into the ancient rune magic of the giants is also far more restricted than it once was, and only deeply trusted elders are allowed full access.
Founding Date
Year 481 of the Fourth Age
Large city
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank

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