Skjoldenport Settlement in The Remnant | World Anvil
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Skjoldenport is the oldest and largest city in the Northern Reach. While each of the cities are independent and controlled by a different Jarl, Skjoldenport’s wealth and size makes it the De Facto capital of the region, and it holds a high level of influence over the other cities. Skjoldenport’s population tends to shrink and swell throughout the year, massively expanding during the warmer months, when various expeditions are coming and going through the city on their way to other lands.

The city is dedicated to the god Staldenfar, and has a large temple, known as the Temple of the Helm, dedicated to him. This temple serves as a military academy, and trains many prominent commanders in the teachings of Staldenfar. The third purpose of the Temple of the Helm is to serve as the primary trainer of Runecarvers, who work to produce different protective runes that allow people to survive in the Lands Below. There are several temples to the other gods in the Lords of Steel as well, though they are smaller.


20% Human, 15% Orc , 10% Dwarf, 10% Halfling, 10% Giant, 10% Lizardfolk, 10% Elf, 5% Gnome, 5% Goblin, 5% Other

The population of Skjoldenport is incredibly diverse, as it at one point housed nearly the entire population of the Northern Reach after the Third Calamity, before additional Godswards were made, and other cities were founded.


The city is ruled by a Jarl who is advised by a council of Elders that contains representatives from major guilds in the city, and a council of his own personal advisors.


Skjoldenport boasts an army of around 2,500 warriors, and has many ships in its navy. The city also has large sums of wealth set aside to hire mercenaries in times of crisis. The marshy landscape surrounding the city serves as a natural barrier to most assault via land, and the city has constructed a series of forts around the heart of the city to keep the interior safe from attack.

Industry & Trade

Skjoldenport is the largest port in the Northern Reach and serves as the main hub for different expeditions during the summer months. Many ships also spent their winters in Skjoldenport in order to get an early start on the raiding season. The presence of the ships also means that most of the trade coming into the Northern Reach enters and leaves through Skjoldenport, making the city very rich.

The city is also one of the most prominent producers of the protective runes used to shield individuals and cities from the influence of Genesis, and the Hall of Runes trains many of the Runecarvers for other cities in the Northern Reach. These runes are valuable enough that people travel from all across the Lands Below in order to gain access to them.

Skjoldenport sits on a long island just off the southwestern coast of Jotunfros, the largest island in the Northern Reach. The surrounding land is a salty marshland, making most forms of agriculture difficult. Instead, the city largely grows saltwater plants that can be used to feed different forms of aquatic livestock. The most common creatures used as livestock are various species of fish, but perhaps the most important livestock are giant hermit crabs. Hermit crabs provide a variety of advantages as they are able to navigate the semiaquatic environment of the land surrounding Skjoldenport more more easily than horses or oxen, and their scavenger diets mean they can be fed many things that are otherwise inedible to most people, though this does mean that crabs intended for consumption need to be thoroughly cleaned or fed special diets to avoid the spread of disease. Some of these crabs can grow large enough to function as living ships, though their slow speed means they tend to only be used for short range transport.


Skjoldenport has a complex array of bridges and canals to allow its inhabitants to navigate the many small islands the city is build upon.


Skjoldenport is one of the oldest cities in the Lands Below, having been founded only twenty five years into the Fourth Age. As the location of the first Godsward, the city was where the people of the Northern Reach took refuge in the early years after the Third Calamity.

The first Jarl of Skjoldenport was a giant named Grynjod the protector. He was the one who declared that the people of the Northern Reach would be dedicated to the Lords of Steel. He became the first runecarver, and was personally responsible for the creation of the second Godsward. At that time he declared he would give control of the new city to another, and gave each person the opportunity to prove their worth. This also created the tradition that at the passing of each Jarl succession would be determined by competition, rather than inheritance.

Skjoldenport has been at war multiple times in its history. Skirmishes between cities in the Northern Reach have occurred on occasion, though they are usually settled fairly quickly, though three instances stand out as particularly notable conflicts.

The earliest was the Black Skull Rebellion, where a Jarl from the city of Vredesmord wanted to challenge Skjoldenport for its wealth and influence in the year 2481 of the Fourth Age. The Black Skull Rebels were known for wearing obsidian masks on their face, and followed Jarl Vothug Blackskull, an orcish chieftain and renowned fighter. The War lasted for two years, and ended when Blackskull was defeated in combat.

The second was the War of the Clouds in the year 3063 of the Fourth Age, where many citizens of the Lands Below joined in a massive invasion of the Lands Above in an attempt to gain it for themselves. The invasion was led by a figure known as the Prophet of the Lost, who first appeared in Skjoldenport to rally followers for this cause, and reveal a powerful magic that made it much easier to travel between the Lands Above and the Lands Below. The invasion ultimately ended in failure, and in the aftermath the magic that assisted in the invasion was lost.

The third major war was the Reign of the Mad Tyrant, in the year 3645 of the Fourth Age. The Mad Tyrant Wridnir led an army of giants in a surprise attack on Skjoldenport, in an attempt to conquer the entire Northern Reach for himself. He nearly succeeded and had claimed eight of the nine holds before being defeated. After this war there has been far fewer conflicts between cities in the Northern Reach, as no one wants a repeat of the bloodshed that Wridnir caused.


  • Skjoldenport
    The largest city in the Northern Reach. It serves as the launch port for the many voyages sent out to explore the world.
Founding Date
Year 25 of the Fourth Age
Large city
50,000 Permanent Residents, up to 100,000 additional temporary residents during raiding season
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank

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