Vintersvard Settlement in The Remnant | World Anvil
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Vintersvard is a city located in the far north of the Northern Reach, and is one of the coldest cities in the entire world. The city is dedicated to the god Vanargand and is devoted to the soul purpose of creating as many powerful warriors as possible. The city is very religious, strongly believing that they are working towards the mission of the Lords of Steel, and preparing an army of powerful warriors that will be capable of defeating the titan, Genesis. Despite being one of the older cities in the Northern Reach the population of Vintersvard remains comparatively small. The city has intentionally placed itself in one of the lest hospitable regions of the Northern Reach and is deeply committed to the idea of weeding out the weak in order to produce the strongest warriors. There are very few sources of food this far north. The people of Vintersvard are largely expected to fend for themselves and gather their own supplies during the warmer months, so that they might survive and train themselves during the winter. The city has a deep connection to lycanthropy, and many citizens have willingly become lycanthropes, giving the city a reputation for savagery.


25% Orcs, 20% Catfolk, 20%Beast Kin, 10% Human, 10% Dwarf, 10% Elf, 5% Other.


The Jarl of Vintsvard is whatever warrior is the strongest. At any time any other warrior may challenge the current Jarl for their title. Challenges are decided through either single combat, or through group combat should a warrior have a large enough gathering of followers willing to fight alongside them. While the city largely lets its inhabitants settle their own disputes, the Jarl is expected to step in when an individual goes to far, and begins to cause problems the city as a whole. In times of conflict the Jarl is expected to lead the warriors of the city, and in times of peace the Jarl is in charge of determining which warriors are to be sent raiding, and which require further training.

While the only position with any formal political power is that of the Jarl, there is a sort of informal hierarchy among the other warriors. There is a deep tradition of respect for those who have proved themselves in battle, and most warriors tend to consult with older, more experienced fighters for advice, usually leaving a small offering in exchange.


Nearly every citizen of Vintersvard is a trained warrior, and is honorbound to defend the city in times of crisis.

Industry & Trade

Vintersvard engages in very little trade with the rest of the Northern Reach. They do purchase a number of weapons and armor, especially high quality equipment from Hammerhold, but for the most part the general belief in the city is for each person to be independent. They hunt and fish for their own food, they make their own weapons, and they survive on their own without help from others. What little trading they do engage in usually takes place on the way back from the summer raids, when some raiders will trade their spoils for other supplies they need more of. The one industry that does get some attention from outsiders is the development of warriors. It is not uncommon for warriors from other cities to make a pilgrimage to Vintersvard at least once during their life in order to receive training from the warriors who live their permanently. This practice is most commonly done by adventurers or wandering mercenaries, as members of more established groups tend to have their own methods, but it is well known that those who survive the methods of Vintersvard come out of it exceptionally skilled.
Founding Date
Year 1231 of the Fourth Age
Large city
15,000 though the population drops to roughly 5,000 during the summer months when much of the population goes raiding.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank

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