Summer Reading '24

Hey all,   This year's summer camp reading submission will be short - I really wanted to get an entry in but don't have much energy at all.  

Summer Camp Reflections

I didn't manage to snag a badge this year, but I'm still very happy about the five articles I managed to get done. Not just that it's five more than I planned, but they turned out better than I thought they would. And I immensely appreciate all the likes, comments and features I've gotten on them. Thank you all.  

Plans Forward

Not much has changed since I wrote my pledge and the #August Update journal entry. Updates for the Rosepetal will remain slow for a while longer and I might have take to a break from doing the reading journal too. There's a lot in the pipeline I'd really like to get done but I just don't have the capacity at the moment.  

The Reading List

As always it's a struggle to pick out what articles to feature in these challenges: there's just so much good writing out there. I'm not writing a motivation for each this year as I'm already struggling to finish this before the deadline. But, please check them out: they desevere all the love and attention they can get!  
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 27, 2024
Language | Jul 23, 2024
Species | Aug 3, 2024
Condition | Jul 24, 2024

A disease that turns the victim into a vampire...

Myth | Sep 1, 2024

The endless void that came before and after the universe

Building / Landmark | Jul 8, 2024

What's hidden within the abandoned space station is anyone's guess.

Egg-Laying Shapeshifters
Myth | Jul 15, 2024

It is a commonly held belief amongst humans that shapeshifters lay eggs to reproduce, especially those that can transform into a type of bird.

Settlement | Aug 4, 2024

Svulst is one of the largest cities of Saturn, and stretches from the pits of the planet to far above the clouds. Rather than a city of skyscrapers, Svulst is a city built on top of a city, built on top of another.

Condition | Sep 2, 2024

A fatal condition in which a psion will indiscriminately attack all in sight.

Tikijitoa - Ceremony of Ashes
Tradition / Ritual | Aug 2, 2024

The Speed Reads

A small custom of mine during both Summer Camp and World Ember is to scour through the prompt submissions in search for new authors and worlds that fit my tastes. I also really enjoy keeping an eye out for newcomers to give a warm welcome to.   This summer I combined this little custom of mine with my reading journal series, by splitting up my speed reading and picking one article per weekly set of prompts to feature. If you want to check them out, here's all of them:    


During my exploration of the prompt entries, also as usual I found a number of new (to me) worlds to follow. Here's a selection of them that I'd warmly recommend:  
Kaos Rhythm

a Nehwonian Multiverse, in play since 1985.

The Toreworld
Thank you for reading, and see you next time!

Cover image: by World Anvil


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Aug 29, 2024 20:21 by Mochi

I'm so glad you enjoyed Habita! <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Aug 29, 2024 20:53

Thanks so much for including me in your collection! I’m glad you enjoyed Keterbagaan!

Aug 29, 2024 21:03 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Aww, thanks so much for including my article, and some great other picks there too. Proud of you for the five articles you wrote! :D

Sep 1, 2024 02:21 by Rin Garnett

I'm glad you liked reading about feral psions :D You had five great articles this year, and I'm looking forward to future ones at whatever pace they come at :)

Sep 2, 2024 10:35 by Grey

Thank you so much for the mention! I'm glad you enjoyed my Addyl <3

Sep 3, 2024 19:04

Thank you for the kind mention of Tikijitoa and I am happy for you for writing these five great and wonderful articles.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.