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Imperial Elysian Navy

The Interstellar Navy
The Interstellar Navy is what most people think of then the Imperial Navy is mentioned, with its' great and powerful warships, vast fighter wings, and actions against forign navies the navy holds great respect and admeration from the Elysian people.
The Stellar Patrol
The Stellar Patrol is in many ways the little brother of the Interstellar Navy, while the Interstellar Navy confonts forgin enemies with the greatest ships the empire can field the Stellar Patrol protects the assigned system and hunts pirates with the smaller and often over looked ships of the navy. The Stellar Patrol most often makes use of ships like the destroyers and corvettes in the navy, along with a few light frigates.
The Starfighter Corps
The Starfighter Corps is often just as romaticized as the Interstellar Navy, with its aperance of adventure and danger in the smallest and fastest ships charging the empire's enemies, engaging in close range high G fights.
The Logistics Corps
The Logistics Corps is easily the least thought of branch in the navy for the general populace, however it is often the most important, as without this branch the ships would burn through thier ammo and fuel in days, the fighters would break down without new parts begin delived, and the army and marines would never be able to fight on another planet without the Logistics Corps.

Ship Classes

1st Rates: Elysia
The 1st Rate Ships Of The Line are the greatest and most powerful ships in the Elysian navy. These ships are often the center piece of the greatest Elysian naval forces and admiral's flag ships. These ships are named after Systems, Planets, and Major Historical Figures.
2nd Rate: Stellar
The 2nd Rate Ships Of The Line are powerful ships that often fulfill the role of carriers and missile ships for the Elysian Navy. These ships are named after Planets, Moons, and Major Historical Figures.
3rd Rate: Guardian
The 3rd Rate Ships Of The Line are the goto gun platforms for the Elysian Navy, whilst acting as command ships for smaller battlegroups or for one of a battle group's taskforces. These ships are named after Geography, Nations, and Major Historical Figures.
Heavy Frigate: Arashi, Defence
The Heavy Frigates of the Elysian Navy often fulfill a variety of roles, possesing firepower just shy of a ship of the line with the manuverbility and speed of a smaller ship, they are often the command ships for flanking and raiding groups while capable of conducting solo patrols. These ships are named after Weather, Geography, and Virtues.
Light Frigate: Limpal
The Light Frigate of the Elysian Navy acts as the largest ship used by the Stellar Patrol, and as one of the smallerest ships used in main battlefleets. These ships are named after Weather, Cities, and Famous Officers.
Destroyer: Alar
The destroyer in the Elysian Navy is most often seen as a small attack ship, patrol craft, or as a point defence ship for a battlegroup. These ships are named after Famous Personl, Officers, and Events
Brig: Oceana
The brig is a fast attackship giving the Elysian navy a ship with high thrust to weight ratio, thus these ships will often provide rapid reaction and harassment forces. These ships are named after Famous Personel and Synonyms for Speed.
Corvette: Nova
The Corvette is the smallest warp capable ship in the Elysian Navy often serving in a patrol or scout role. These ships recive numeric designations, but may gain a nickname from its crew.
Patrol Boat: Searcher
The Patrol Boat is a non warp capable ship serving as a system based patrol ship. These ships recive numeric designations, but may gain a nickname from its crew.

Strike Craft

Fighter: Cobra, Fighter Done: Viper
Bomber: Silencer, Bomber Drone: Supresser
Scout: Nightwatcher
Auxilleries: Roamer


The Imperial Elysian Navy is devided into fleets, battlegroups, taskforces, and then squardrons. Presently the Empire has its navy divied up into 6 fleets, the 1st Fleet to defend the captial in the Arcadia System, the 2nd Fleet to Defend the Icrementum and Novara systems, the 3rd Fleet to defend the Arashi Welto and Vantostaka systems, 4th Fleet to defend the Discovery, Rift and Minara systems, 5th Fleet as a reserve, and the 6th Fleet as the Stellar Patrol. These Fleets are on average divided into 3-5 battlegroups and 5-10 independant squardrons. Elysian docrine is based around balance and multi function, this has resulted in Elysian ships having the greatest balance of weapon types, armor, and speed. Thus an Elysian ship will be able to act either independantly or as a group quite well, but lack an expetional strength to exploite over its enemies, though they also lack any great weakness. This became the norm for the Elysian Navy due to the fact that it is one of the most central nations in the cluster and thus most likely to engage all other nations, and thus must be able to respond to all of them.

When in combat Elysian ships will form lines at multiple elevations often at a 30-45 degree angle from the enemy allowing all of their partical beams to fire, but as the engagement closes to 800 km or less the ships will oriant to face their enemies directly providing a smaller target, making use of angled armor, and allowing more coilguns to fire. At this point the core of the Elysian force will work to pin the enemy in direct conflcit while flanking forces of smaller ships or strike craft will try to out maneuver the enemy and threaten encirclement or attack on enemy ships trying to blead off heat. This will either catch the enemy in a crossfire, prevent the enemy from bleeding off heat, or force the enemy to reposition potentialy opening up new angle for attack.

Elysian Navy Ranks

The first and lowest rank in the Elysian Navy is the Trainee, Though the memebers of this rank have passed their basic training due to their inexperiance they are still consitered unqualified for advanced work and as such will spend at least the first 4 months of their careers begin mentored by an experianced memebr of the crew.

The second rank in the Elysian Navy is the Crewman, The Crewman if the first full rank in the navy these man and women preform much of the "grunt work" and maintinance to keep thje ships of the empire running. One will remain at this rank for at least 6 months before there is an opertunity for promotion.

The Third Rank in the Elysian Navy is the Petty Officer 3rd Class, the Petty Officer 3rd Class is in many ways the same as a Crewman and will often preform the same duties, but will have higher pay and effectivly under go aprentaciceships for NCOs, and may be put in command of Crewman on occation. One will remain at this rank for at least 8 months before promotion.

The Fourth rank in the Elysian Navy is the Petty Officcer 2nd Class, the Petty Officer 2nd Class is the first true NCO of the Elysian navy and will oversee groups of subordinants ensurign the compleation and coordination of their duties. One will remain at this rank for at least 12 months before promotion.

The Fifth rank in the Elysian Navy is the Petty Officer 1st Class, the Petty Officer 1st Class is much the same as the Petty Officer 2nd Class, but has futher experiance and authority.One will remain at this rank for at least 18 months before promotion.

The sixth and last nonofficer rank in the Elysian navy is the Chief Petty Officer, the Chief Petty Officer is the most senior NCO of the Elysian Navy and are often creditied with ensuring the ships of the navy function, they will cooridinate several groups throughout a ship and assist new officers in the navy. One will remain at this rank for at least 18 months before promotion.

The seventh and first officer rank in the Elysian Navy is the Ensign, the Ensign is the first officer rank in the Elysian Navy, to achive this rank one must either pass through all previous ranks and pass the Elysian Navy's officer training course. Or one must graduate from one of Elysia's naval academies. These officers will thus be incharge of sections of a ship under their division. One will remain at this rank for at least 12 months before promotion.

The eighth rank in the Elysian Navy is the Lieutenant 2nd Class, the Lieutenant 2nd Class will often oversee a division or large section of a ship and provide direction to new officers. One will remain at this rank for at least 18 months before promotion.

The ninth rank in the Elysian Navy is the Lieutenant 1st Class, the Lieutenant 1st Class will often oversee the divisions of a ship and the training of its officers. They can also serve as a 1st officer for destoryers and smaller. One will remain at this rank for at least 18 months before promotion.

The tenth rank in the Elysian Navy is the Junior Commander, the Junior Commander is a highly desired rank for many aspiring officers as once an officer reaches the rank of Junior Commander they become eligable to command a ship up to a Brig and be called a Post Captian. Though when not in command of a ship they may be a division head on a ship of the line or 1st officer on a frigate. One will remain at this rank for at least 24 months before promotion.

The eleventh rank in the Elysian Navy is the Lieutenant Commander, the Lieutenant Commander is a contunation of the Junior Commander providing an officer the authority to command ships up to Heavy Frigates, and even the chance to act as a Fleet Captian. When not in command they will often be the 1st officer of a ship of the line. One will remain at this rank for at least 36 months before promotion.

The twelth rank in the Elysian Navy is the Commander, the Commander is the final non-flag rank within the Elysian Navy allowing an officer the authority to command any Elysian ship as a Post Captian, putting them as first choice for Fleet Captian assignments, and makign them a front runner to join the Elysian Admiralty. One will remain at this rank for at least 48 months before promotion.

The Thirtinth and first flag rank in the Elysian navy is the Rear Admiral, the Rear Admiral is the first flag rank in the Elysian Navy overseeing a squadron or taskforce. One will remain at this rank for at least 60 months before promotion.

The Fourtinth rank of the Elysian Navy is the Vice Admiral, the Vice Admiral will command a taskforce or small battlegroup. One will remain at this rank for at least 60 months before promotion.

The fifthtenth rank in the Elysian Navy is the Commander Admiral, The Commander Admiral will be in command of a battlegroup or potentinaly a small fleet. One will remain at this rank for at least 60 months before promotion.

The sixtinth rank in the Elysian Navy is the Fleet Admiral, the Fleet Admiral will command one of the navy's fleets. One will remain at this rank for at least 60 months before promotion

The seventinth and last rank in the Elysian Navy is the Grand Admiral, the Grand Admiral is the highest rank in the Elysian Navy and will oversee all of the empire's naval assets.

Post Captian And Fleet Captian

A Post Captian is not an official rank within the Elyisan Navy when an officer of the rank Junior Commander or above is placed in charge of a ship or station they are then granted the temporary title of Post Captian. When holding the title of Post Captian an officer will be refered to as Captian or Post Captian not by their rank. The title of Post Captian in relation to rank will allow the Post Captian to hold authority over all other reguardless of seinority (unless they also hold the title of Post Captian), however those of a higher rank will hold authority over them out side of their ship even if they arent a Post Captian. Due to the power and opertunity provided to a Post Captian it is perhaps the most desired position in the navy with most officers dreaming and working to become a Post Captian.

A Fleet Cpatian is highly simular to that of a Post Captian with many of the same rules and traditions surrounding it, however there are two notible differences from a Post Captian. The first difference is that an officer must be a Lieutenant Commander and (unless during a war) must have at least 2 years of experience as a Post Captian. The second difference is that while a Post Captian commands a single ship, a Fleet Captian is in charge of 2 or more ships in a squadron. This makes the Fleet Captian a simular goal for many officers to Post Captian. However Fleet Captian is often fairly tempirarty as while there are lower priority areas and squadrons where an admiral is not required most Fleet Captians are assiagned when two or more ships are detached for a brief assignment, and the Fleet Captian title being used to assign clear command, but it can also be seen as a trial for an Admiral rank.

Navy Medals And Awards

Elyisan Star Of Valar
The Elysian Star Of Valour is the Elysian Empire's most prestigious reward (often parred with the Alba Sword), this award can only be awarded to a memebr of the navy who has gone far beond the call of duty whilst putting thier life on the line. This is often awarded for acts of Heroism, Stratiegic, and Tatical actions.

Alba Sword
The Alba Sword is a specialy made sword that is only given out expressly by the Imperial Family. To be awared the Alba Sword one must gain the attention of the Alba family, this often though not always means achiving one of the other high awards like the Star Of Valour. The sword is an eligantly made strait offiicer style sword with fine silver decoration on the hilt, the Alba family crest at the base of the blade, a golden sword knot, and an inscription along the blade thanking the soldier for their service. The sword can be worn with any uniform at any time so long as the sword does not interfear with the soldier's duties.

Silver Honor Cross
The Silver Honor Cross is

Bronze Honor Cross
The Bronze Honor Cross is

Navy Shield
The Navy Shield is

Savior Medal
The Savior Medal is an award that is granted to an officer who has saved another (military or civilian) through thier actions.

Survivor Medal
The Survivor Medal is an award that is given out to any Elysian personel that survived a wound or as a POW.



Common Training: The common training for the average recuits consitis of 8 months of training. This training will have the recuits undergo disiplining, phisical condictioning, emergancy preperation, and all of the other basic skills to prepare any person to work within the Imperial Elysian Navy
Academy Training: Though anyone can work thier way up from a basic recruit to be an officer, the quickest way to become an officer in the navy is by getting accepted into one of the naval academies. These academies will have much the same reqirements as basic training but, over the 5 years one will be at an academy they will also be trainined for leadership of people and ships.
Elysian Navy Ranks
Crew man
Petty Officer 3rd Class
Petty Officer 2nd Class
Petty Officer 1st Class
Chief Petty Officer
Lietenant 2nd Class
Lieutenant 1st Class
Junior Commander
Lieutenant Commander
Rear Admiral
Vice Admiral
Commander Admiral
Fleet Admiral
Grand Admiral
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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