Fun Bunch season 2: the Undeadening

Here's how the PCs levelled up, and how they got to the threshold of the next adventure.


How they spent their summer vacation

    • Did the PCs catch up with Mossevel, the wood-elf druid, before they came back to Malfa? Let’s just say they did. Mossevel said that, if Örm wanted to learn attunement to divine minerals, a stone druid might be a good teacher; she knows one who’s probably still in Malfa from the druid convention. This is Jabom, the orc druid you ran into in Valdas Manor/the Library.
    • Jabom was still in town, and got a message from Mossevel telling him to look Örm up. He does so, and offers to tutor Örm in attunement.
    • Let’s say Örm checks in with The Stone Mother’s House, and they’re ok with this. Respecting the Obsidian God is all very well, but being a cultist about it, well, they don’t really do that kind of thing themselves. They’ll support Örm, they’re not defrocking him, but they agree he ought to go up to the mountains and make a little quest out of it. It’s more fitting.
  • Jabom and Örm head back up to the mountains for death-stone attunement lessons. Jabom lives in the valley on the other side of Crommog, the mountain at the beginning of the Forges.

    • Tevik accompanies Örm up to Crommog. Maybe he’s wondering whether he ought to leave Malfa permanently. There they re-meet Mossevel, who is clearly the queen bee of the mystic druid network in these parts.
  • Tevik also meets Mossevel’s husband. He’s Hewellen! He’s also an ex-monk from Tevik’s own monastery! Tevik has heard of him! Mr Mossevel gives Tevik the assurance that you can be a monk while living in the world—maybe even better than in the monastery. Tevik spends some time meditating with Mr Mossevel, as Örm goes on to study with Jabom.

  • Meanwhile, when Oswald finally delivers the black rock to Hrigga, Hrigga announces that he likes the cut of Oswald’s jib; he reminds him of Hrigga as a young man. Hrigga puts in a good word for Oswald with some old friends from the islands who may or may not be slightly pirates. Oswald goes off with them and has a great time at sea. He’s a pirate now.


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