Oska Alltafri

Part-elf, part tabaxi, raised by the the nuns of Paratti but also a Maver of Alltafri House. Charismatic and chameleon like. Concealing a hidden agenda but also expresses genuine joy and love in her interactions. Has a haunted past.

Charismatic and chameleon like. Concealing a hidden agenda but also expresses genuine joy and love in her interactions. Has a haunted past.

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Oska has just helped the Swallowtail Opera Company clean out their new home, and is basking in the brief fame. It's helped her courtesan business, which is now getting underway. On the other hand, she's supposed to be cleaning out the townhouse that Alltafri Esthris said she could have, and she's been putting it off. She's currently living in the Furthermore, in rooms she can't quite afford, but presumably will be able to by the time the bill comes.


The Journal Entry’s title

A Magnificent Arrival in Town! I graced the streets with an undeniable allure, radiating elegance and charm (as expected). The townsfolk welcomed me warmly, despite the presence of my less astute cousin at my side. As fate would have it, a serendipitous discovery awaited me in the alley adjacent to my lodgings – a dazzling trinket that caught my eye. However, my euphoria was short-lived as a group of rough individuals attempted to wrest it from me. Their audacity was swiftly met with my commanding presence and exquisite attire, prompting them to hastily retreat to the shadows. (I did extend an invitation to the ruggedly appealing one among them, for I believe in indulging in pleasures when my role as Maltas' most sought-after courtesan permits.)   Ah, how nearly did I forget! While retrieving MY newfound treasure, I encountered a discourteous and unsophisticated elf who dared to question my ownership of the precious item. This individual, by the name of Orion (though their pronunciation was regrettably subpar), persisted in discussing dwarfs incessantly, withholding their own pronouns and exhibiting what I can only surmise was a disdainful bias against those of shorter stature. Their close association with dwarfs was all too apparent – a glaring giveaway. Thankfully, their presence dissipated, leaving me perturbed by their boorish demeanor and their decidedly rural fragrance.   Having decided to part ways with the shiny brooch that had briefly adorned my person, I ventured to the marketplace with the intent to sell it. To my surprise, the merchant refused the transaction, citing its significance to someone of importance and dwarf lineage. Swiftly improvising, I wove a tale involving the bothersome Orion character, attributing the possession of the brooch to them. The merchant muttered cryptic references to my role as an agent of chaos, a remark that eludes my comprehension.   As caution whispered its counsel, I removed the brooch, opting to retreat to the inn with my cousin of limited acumen. The chronology thereafter becomes somewhat blurred, although I do recall triumphing in a contest involving flinging slimy fish into a barrel, earning myself a gratifying sum of 15 gold coins. Regrettably, a momentary lapse in composure led to an indiscretion involving the aforementioned barrel and an unfortunate instance of regurgitation. Nonetheless, my reputation for both resolute sobriety and unrivaled mastery in various pursuits remains unscathed.   Subsequent events remain shrouded in a haze, characterized by persistent attempts by my boorish cousin, Mando to vacate the premises. His preoccupation with a distressed canine puzzled me, as the creature's apprehension was palpable. My musical talents, showcased through the enchanting melody of my flute, proved ineffectual in soothing the creature's agitated state. Truly, the poor creature must possess impaired auditory faculties to resist the allure of my performance. Nevertheless, a sense of equilibrium appears to have been achieved, as I awoke this morn, unscathed save for a lingering piscine aroma.   Anticipation lingers for the arrival of the charismatic ruffian who captivated my interest, although my obligations as Maltas' preeminent and soon-to-be legendary courtesan demand my attention elsewhere. Alas, the ceaseless demands of diplomatic endeavors beckon, a sigh-worthy reality. The life of Malta's unrivaled and soon-to-be-celebrated courtesan, it seems, is an unending odyssey of accomplishment.   Last Time I went to the ball with the brach guy I met peering character and they gave me a ring. Im wearing topaz? I met a character called finch who clocked me and my work and how ive been staying at the nevermore This is unusual given my high class clientele Finch is middle rent I saw a performance And Herron is drunk and handsy Ia rude older lady sparked my interest I rolled for insight and charisma and I want her to be a future client She told me it’s a good idea to find out why there is a snake and the main doo satyr day has disappeared. She also revealed that the main house is hosting but none of theme are there. And that before the snake came the performance was a king leer type thing about a misguifded inheritance I noticed several allfredi members looked pissed off. 30 gold coins I won a game of die in the sauna The participants were salty that I won in one but I offered for them to come visit me for a one on one session the the nevermore- im asking for more clients We left the sauna for the furnance And we found Saturday in a sleep net Lorenzo wrapped his rope around a danger and got the net off I was impressed and offered him a turn at the nevermore I cast for perception after Orion fucked it up but only got a 3 We are now in a dressing room and people are playing hide and seek? They are shimmering I won hide and seek and I won 35 gold coins I went into a new room with snakes and I ate one and I won I got bitten by a snake The ring I was given before diassapeared but I came back to life but really weak I held the hide and seek trinkets and im invisible   A night at the Opera