Soliloquy Ieleni

Soliloquy Ieleni

Soliloquy, a full-blooded high elf, is Oska Alltafri's blood father. He was, and possibly still is, a wandering monk from the Usmid Massif. Soliloquy is his common name; Ieleni is his clan name, the most frequent name of most of the high elves in the Usmid highlands.   The Ieleni elves seem to be in large-scale societal disarray; no non-elf has ever seen their hidden settlement, but individual elves at obvious loose ends keep surfacing in various places, in various levels of distress. Soliloquy was found abandoned as an infant, and was adopted and raised by a religious eremite in Mrassa, a high desert region in the Massif. This eremite was devoted to the contemplation of the Seven Pillars of Mrassa. His name is a sign of his devotional practices; he wanders the hills speaking devotional hymns to himself, or to the mountains.  

As part of his religious training, Soliloquy was expected to become an itinerant monk for some years. He was introduced to the nuns of Paratti, and as part of his required wandering, did some investigation for them in foreign parts. In doing so he met Alltafri Ewyn, a half-tabaxi Maver; they bonded over their common origin in Mrassa, and eventually had Oska.   Alltafri Ewyn insisted on bringing Oska to Malfa, and having her adopted into Alltafri House. Then, job done, she went off to sea again, leaving her daughter behind. Soliloquy, unimpressed by the Maveren's parenting strategies, took his daughter and went back to Mrassa.   Soliloquy wasn't much of a parent either; at any given moment he was either self-absorbed, or absorbed in his eremitical duties, but he was never really absorbed with his daughter, who by age seven or so was more or less a free-range child. At one point, while he and Oska were visiting a religious site, Oska wandered off, went down the wrong tunnel, and came back with the Chained Ones riding piggyback on her soul.   In response to this, Soliloquy delivered Oska to Paratti for safekeeping, and then noped out of the whole situation and wandered off into the hills. Both of Oska's parents might still be out there somewhere, but she hasn't seen or heard of them since childhood.


Alltafri Ewyn


Towards Soliloquy Ieleni

Soliloquy Ieleni


Towards Alltafri Ewyn

Alltafri Ewyn (spouse)