Races in the Sealands

Origin Stories: How people were made

Where do people come from? Who knows? Different cultures in difference races have different ideas:

  • Some think that all intelligent peoples were made by otherworldly gods (celestials and infernals).
  • Some think that their people were made by a particular god, and other peoples were made by other gods.
  • Some think that their people formed naturally out of the elements.
  • Some think they were called into being by powerful forces that no longer exist (this is an elf thing in particular).

Nobody knows the truth for sure. That's what religious wars are for!


Also, the beliefs above aren't mutually exclusive. For instance, the Hewellen believe that Hewell and the Stone Mother both represent/embody natural forces, and between them created the Hewellen.


Fey races: Elves, other

There are a number of peoples around whose ancestors were native to the Feywild. Some of them have been in the mundane world since before the schism, and some have wandered over the border since then. The schism was so long ago that nobody really knows for sure.


Elves are the most visible, most populous fey race in the mundane world. They consider themselves to predate the schism, and therefore to be native to both the Feywild and the mundane world, but who really knows.


Other fey-descended people only pop up here and there in small numbers, like willowisps.


Humanish races: Human, halfling

It's very widely assumed that humans and halflings are twin offshoots of the same basic species, like homo sapiens and Neanderthals. When they diverged, and why, isn't known. They're the most numerous races in the mundane world (humans rather more so), and come in various colours and phenotypes.


Dwarvish races: Dwarves, gnomes, deep gnomes

Most elvish societies think that dwarves and gnomes are related in a similar way to humans and halflings. The usual feeling in human societies is that elves are very old, so they must know a lot about this kind of thing; thus dwarves and gnomes are lumped together. Dwarves and gnomes disagree with this assessment and decline to feel related, but the truth is unknown.


Many gnomes don't even believe they're really related to deep gnomes, and vice versa.


Goblinish races: Goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears

I mean, duh


Orcish races: orcs. Maybe ogres?

Orcs are, they think, unique in the world. Some other people think they're related to ogres, but orcs disagree and possibly think the suggestion is racist.