The Starguard, the Imperial Department of War

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford
The Department of War (DOW) assumes a critical role in safeguarding The Imperium of Miðgarðr (IoM), ensuring the protection, safety, and security of its citizens, as well as defending IoM's interests in the cosmos. This department is entrusted with the responsibility of defense, strategic planning, and the efficient coordination of armed forces.
The DOW is comprised of two distinct components: the Starguard and the Honor Guard. The Starguard represents the federal military branch of IoM and is primarily deployed to counter hostile foreign adversaries that pose a threat to the Imperium's integrity. This elite force is equipped and trained to operate on an interstellar scale, capable of defending IoM interests across various regions and engaging in military operations beyond IoM's planetary boundaries. In contrast, the Honor Guard constitutes the local military power of individual planets, systems, or galaxies within IoM. It is the responsibility of Member Planets and Systems to raise and maintain their respective Honor Guard forces, fostering a sense of self-sufficiency and localized defense capabilities. The Honor Guard serves as an internal deployment force, providing security and defense measures within IoM's territorial jurisdictions.
While the Member Planets and Systems are entrusted with the maintenance and operation of their own Honor Guard units, The Imperium of Miðgarðr assumes direct responsibility for the maintenance and management of the Starguard. This centralized approach ensures a unified and cohesive defense structure, allowing for strategic decision-making and resource allocation on a broader scale. Through the collaborative efforts of the Starguard and the Honor Guard, the Department of War strengthens IoM's ability to respond swiftly and effectively to both external threats and internal security concerns. This multi-tiered defense framework provides a comprehensive approach to protect the Imperium's interests, citizens, and territories while maintaining a balance between centralized oversight and localized defense capabilities.


The Starguard is composed of the following Offices;
  1. The Office of Army Operations
  2. The Office of Naval Operations
  3. The Office of Marine Operations
  4. The Office of the Minister of War
  5. The Office of Internal Vigilance (DOW-IV)
  6. The Office of the United Chiefs of Staff
The Office of Army, Naval, and Marine Operations is responsible for the coordination of the armed forces of the Imperium as it relates to land-based operations (Army), space operations (Navy), and mixed operations and rapid response (Marines). The Office of the Minister of War refers to a body of organizations that are responsible for setting policy, managing resources, and ensuring that the military operates in accordance with the policies and priorities established by the sitting Emperor and the Imperial Leadership Council. The Internal Vigilance is granted authority by the Imperial Council to employ internal investigators when suspicions of malpractice arise within a particular body, and the DOW-IV is the body of investigations for the DOW. And finally the Combined Chiefs of Staff Office, which is composed of Leadership from all the previous Offices and acts as a Small Council to the Office of the Secretary of War.  
The Imperial Army Corps
"We Are Many."
  • FUNCTION: Planet-Side Operations.
  • Leader Title: Minister of the Army
As the most extensive military branch, the IAC assumes a paramount role in terrestrial operations, diligently safeguarding the interests of the Imperium. Its overarching mission encompasses the defense of land-based assets, provision of support to allied branches, and execution of ground combat operations. Through the utilization of a diverse array of ground-based vehicles, artillery, and infantry units, the IAC adeptly carries out its multifaceted responsibilities. These encompass the establishment of territorial security and control during periods of armed conflict, engagement in peacekeeping endeavors, provision of aid in disaster relief operations, and undertaking of diverse missions within terrestrial realms. Notably, the IAC's proficiency lies in its expertise in occupational operations, exemplified by its status as the largest Corps under the command of the Star Guard. Leveraging their substantial numerical advantage and adaptability, they assert unwavering dominion over entire clusters of realms within the Imperium, unrivaled by any opposing force.  
The Imperial Naval Corps
"Duty. Honor. Sacrifice."
  • FUNCTION: Atmosphere-Based Operations.
  • Leader Title: Minister of the Navy
The Imperium's Navy Corps assumes the crucial role of preserving dominion over celestial expanses, exerting dominance on a grand cosmic magnitude, and safeguarding maritime concerns within the context of a science fiction milieu. Operating an extensive armada comprising stellar vessels, aircraft carriers, and aerospace craft, the Navy Corps dedicates its primary endeavors to the realm of naval warfare. In addition, its operational purview encompasses the provision of maritime security, facilitation of interstellar trade routes, execution of humanitarian missions, and the assurance of unimpeded freedom of navigation.  
The Imperial Marine Corps
"Come And Take It."
  • FUNCTION: Mixed-Operations | Rapid-Response.
  • Leader Title: Minister of the Marines
The Imperium's Marine Corps, serving as a vital intermediary between INC and IAC operations, epitomizes swiftness of action and unparalleled adaptability. With unwavering pride, the Marines excel in their ability to respond swiftly to evolving situations. Embodying the ethos of rapid deployment, they exhibit remarkable agility in executing their missions. The IMC stands as a beacon of operational versatility, embracing multifaceted challenges with resolute determination. Committed to achieving objectives swiftly and effectively, they exemplify the epitome of military prowess.
The Office of the United Chiefs of Staff
The OUCS of the Starguard is formed of two bodies, the Chiefs of Staff from all other five branches of the IDW and the Elders from each of the four Clans in control of the IDW itself. These venerable members of the community advise the current Clan Head or Head of the Household on all matters of state.

The Honor Guard Corps
The Honor Guard is composed of countless Corps, each one belonging to an individual Planet and/or star system within Midgard. The Honor Guard is not the responsibility of the Starguard and only provides evaluations of Honor Guard performances and sets the minimum War-Capability that they must meet to reach the Imperial Defense Standard (IDS) for each planet or star system.
The Imperial Defense Standard (IDS) is a pivotal benchmark established by the Department of War (DOW) to assess the preparedness and capabilities of each individual Planet and Star System's Honor Guard within the Imperium of Miðgarðr (IoM). It serves as a vital framework to ensure that localized defense forces are adequately equipped and trained to safeguard the Imperium's interests, citizens, and territories. The IDS encompasses a comprehensive evaluation of each Honor Guard Corps, taking into account their unique strengths and responsibilities.
  1. Planetary Defense Capability: The IDS evaluates the ability of each Honor Guard Corps to protect its respective planet or star system from external threats. This includes assessing their readiness to repel hostile forces, respond to emergencies, and maintain security within their territorial jurisdiction.
  2. Resource Allocation: Each Corps is expected to manage its resources efficiently, including personnel, equipment, and infrastructure. The IDS assesses whether these resources are adequate for the Corps to fulfill its defense responsibilities effectively.
  3. Training and Readiness: The level of training and preparedness of each Honor Guard Corps is a crucial component of the IDS. This includes evaluating the proficiency of personnel in various aspects of defense, such as combat readiness, emergency response, and disaster relief.
  4. Interoperability: Given the interconnected nature of the IoM, the IDS considers how well each Honor Guard Corps can collaborate with other neighboring Corps and with the Starguard when needed. This includes assessing communication protocols, joint exercises, and the ability to integrate into larger defense strategies.
  5. Technological Advancement: The IDS examines the technological capabilities of each Corps, including their access to advanced weaponry, surveillance systems, and defensive infrastructure. This ensures that they are equipped to counter modern threats.
  6. Adherence to IoM Policies: Each Honor Guard Corps must adhere to IoM policies and priorities, as established by the sitting Emperor and the Imperial Leadership Council. The IDS assesses whether the Corps aligns its operations with these overarching directives.
To reach the IDS for their respective planet or star system, each Honor Guard Corps must undergo periodic evaluations conducted by DOW inspectors and experts. These assessments are comprehensive and take into account the unique challenges and requirements of each Corps based on its planetary or stellar environment. Corps that meet or exceed the IDS are recognized as exemplars of IoM's commitment to security and defense. They are considered fully prepared to fulfill their crucial role in safeguarding the Imperium's interests. On the other hand, Corps that fall below the IDS are provided with guidance and resources to enhance their capabilities and bring them up to the required standard.


The culture of The Starguard, a crucial component of the Imperial Department of War (IDW) in the Imperium of Miðgarðr (IoM), is deeply rooted in tradition, honor, and a strong sense of duty. Shaped by its history as the Nepokornye, an Order of Knights led by House Yurievichi during the Cradle Rebellions, The Starguard has evolved into a unique entity within IoM's diverse society.
  • Architectural Inspiration: Inspired by ReligionThe Starguard's architectural design draws inspiration from religious motifs and symbols. Rounded shapes dominate their structures, creating an ambiance of serenity and spiritual reverence. These architectural choices reflect the deep connection between the Starguard's mission and the divine order they seek to protect.
  • Artistic Focus: Family Values: Art in The Starguard emphasizes the importance of family values. Paintings, sculptures, and other forms of artistic expression often depict scenes of familial unity and love. This serves as a constant reminder to Starguard members of the sacrifices they make to protect not only their own families but the larger family of IoM.
  • Competitiveness: A Drive to Win: The Starguard instills a fierce competitive spirit in its members. Whether in training exercises or military campaigns, the drive to win is a core element of their culture. This competitiveness fuels their dedication to safeguarding IoM's interests and maintaining cosmic order.
  • Dress Code: Modesty and Uniformity: Members of The Starguard adhere to a dress code that prioritizes modesty and uniformity. This emphasis on a standard uniform reinforces the idea that all Starguard members are equal in their commitment to their duty. Uniforms are functional, and designed for both combat and ceremonial occasions.
  • Etiquette: Loose Rules Based on Rank: Etiquette within The Starguard is guided by rank and hierarchy. While there are rules, they are relatively loose, with an understanding that different situations may require different levels of formality. Respect for superiors and adherence to orders are paramount.
  • Cuisine: Tradition-Heavy Meals: Food in The Starguard is steeped in tradition, with meals often featuring dishes that have been passed down through generations. These traditions serve to connect members to their heritage and reinforce a sense of continuity in their mission.
  • Holidays: Primarily Memorials: The Starguard's holidays are primarily memorials to honor fallen comrades and acknowledge the sacrifices made in the line of duty. These solemn occasions are often family-focused, allowing members to spend time with loved ones while paying respects to the fallen.
  • Language: Evolving and Slang-Rich: The Starguard's language is in a constant state of evolution, filled with slang and terminology unique to their organization. This linguistic evolution reflects the adaptability and innovation necessary for their ever-changing mission.
  • Social Structure: Strict Classes and Boundaries: The Starguard's culture maintains strict social classes and boundaries, primarily based on education and rank within the organization. This hierarchical structure ensures clear lines of authority and accountability, essential for efficient military operations.
In summary, the culture of The Starguard within the Imperial Department of War is a rich tapestry woven with tradition, honor and a strong commitment to protecting the Imperium of Miðgarðr. Their unique blend of faith, competitiveness, and reverence for family values contributes to their unwavering dedication to safeguarding the interests of IoM and maintaining cosmic order.

Public Agenda

The Guardians of the Stars of the Imperium Of Miðgarðr
The Imperial Department of War (DOW) stands as the stalwart guardian of The Imperium of Miðgarðr (IoM), entrusted with the sacred duty of defending the Imperium's interests, ensuring the safety of its cherished citizens, and maintaining cosmic order. Through a multi-tiered defense structure comprised of the Starguard and the Honor Guard, the DOW orchestrates a harmonious balance between centralized oversight and localized defense capabilities. This mission statement outlines the solemn commitment of the DOW to protect, secure, and preserve the sovereignty of IoM.
  • Core Functions and Responsibilities
The DOW's core functions encompass defense, strategic planning, and the effective coordination of armed forces, undertaken with precision and unwavering dedication. This mission manifests through the following components: 1.1 The Starguard: As the federal military branch of IoM, the Starguard operates on an interstellar scale, countering external threats and safeguarding IoM's integrity across the cosmos. 1.2 The Honor Guard: Comprising the local military power of individual planets, systems, or galaxies within IoM, the Honor Guard fosters self-sufficiency and localized defense capabilities, ensuring internal security and defense.
  • Organizational Structure
The DOW's organizational structure ensures efficient management and execution of its responsibilities. Its key offices include 2.1 Office of Army Operations: Oversees land-based operations, securing terrestrial assets, and executing ground combat missions. 2.2 Office of Naval Operations: Preserves dominion over celestial expanses, naval warfare, and maritime security. 2.3 Office of Marine Operations: Swiftly responds to evolving situations, embracing adaptability in mixed operations and rapid-response missions. 2.4 Office of the Minister of War: Sets policy, manages resources, and ensures alignment with Imperial priorities. 2.5 Office of Internal Vigilance (DOW-IV): Empowered to investigate malpractice allegations within DOW components. 2.6 Office of the United Chiefs of Staff: A Small Council composed of leadership from various offices, facilitating strategic coordination.
  • Branch Specifics
Each branch within the DOW serves a distinct function: 3.1 Imperial Army Corps (IAC): "We Are Many." Primarily focused on planet-side operations, IAC secures terrestrial assets, provides support, and excels in ground combat, peacekeeping, disaster relief, and occupational operations. 3.2 Imperial Naval Corps (INC): "Duty. Honor. Sacrifice." Specializing in atmosphere-based operations, INC dominates celestial expanses, ensures maritime security, facilitates interstellar trade and conducts humanitarian missions. 3.3 Imperial Marine Corps (IMC): "Come And Take It." Adept in mixed operations and rapid response, IMC embodies swiftness and adaptability, responding swiftly to evolving situations, embracing multifaceted challenges, and achieving objectives with military prowess.
Adopted this day, by the Starguard, to uphold the Emperor's Will and Protect the Body of the Imperium.
Approved by the House of Zion, the Holy Order, the Imperial Leadership Council, and the Imperial Congressional Body.


Vadrerth-348, Department of War Seat of Power
The Office of the Minister of War is the highest station within the IDW and is held by House Yurievichi directly, thereby enforcing their control over the entire Department, as it was in the old days when they commanded the Nepokornye. House Yurievichi's Seat of Power, and by extension the Department of War's Seat of Power, is the planet Vadreth-348. It is a world that houses a Trans-Dimensional Space Engine allowing it to move throughout the cosmos as needed to conduct the Starguard. It has the capabilities of a Battleship Starship but always travels with its complementary fleet composed of a Dreadnaught, Ryujin's Fury. Vadrerth-348 is also the formal headquarters for all branches of the IDW.


"I feel too strong to war with Mortals, bring me Giants."
Before they were the Starguard, the Imperial Department of War (IDW), they were the Nepokornye (Unconquerable), an Order of Knights led by House Yurievichi who arose during the Cradle Rebellions of Highgarden. The Nepokornye were subservient to House Yurievichi who sat on Al-Ayadi Al-Kubra, The Great Hands Of The Great Lords, the original Regional Lords of the Imperium under the House of David. However, after the Davidic Lineage was overcome, the House of Zion succeeded them and reorganized the entire Imperium of Miðgarðr (IoM) into what it is now. The Nepokornye was restructured into the Starguard and incorporated with various other lesser military powers to form the Imperial Department of War as it is now. House Yurievichi still controls the IDW entirely, and their lesser Clans hold control over the 6 components of the department. 
  1. The Heydarpanah Clan is charged with the Imperial Army Corps
  2. The Gojo Clan is charged with the Imperial Navy Corps
  3. The Martopoulos Clan is charged with the Imperial Marine Corps
  4. The Yurievichi Clan directly occupies the Office of the Minister of War
  5. The Department Of Morality directly controls the Internal Vigilance Agency
  6. The leadership of all Offices makes up the Office of the United Chiefs of Staff

"Strength Lies In Unity"

Alternative Names
The Starguard | The Guardians of the Stars
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria

The Arms of the Emperor and the Shield of the Citizens


Author's Notes

  • Edit Link{"t1":"azure","shield":"round","charges":[{"charge":"inescutcheonRound","t":"sable","p":"e","size":2.46},{"charge":"fleurDeLis","t":"tenné","p":"HGFEDCBAKJI","size":0.11},{"charge":"arrowsSheaf","t":"gules","p":"e","size":1.62,"t2":"argent"},{"charge":"inescutcheonRound","t":"azure","p":"e","size":1.4,"stroke":"none"},{"charge":"eagleTwoHeads","t":"tenné","p":"e","size":0.75,"t2":"gules","t3":"sable"},{"charge":"compassRose","t":"tenné","p":"e","size":0.26,"x":52,"y":0},{"charge":"compassRose","t":"tenné","p":"e","size":0.26,"x":-52,"y":0}]}

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