The Imperium of Miðgarðr Congress

Created and Written by Khali A. Crawford
The Imperial Congressional Body is the legislative body responsible for governance, decision-making, and representation within the IoM. It serves as a platform for diverse voices, regions, and interests to come together and shape the policies and direction of the interstellar government. The IoM Congress consists of four key parts: the Intergalactic Senate, the Council of Delegates, the Chamber of the Great Houses, and the General Assembly. Each part plays a unique role in the legislative process and contributes to the overall functioning of Congress. The IoM Congress serves as a forum for debate, negotiation, and consensus-building. It regulates the Departments of the IoM, ensures adherence to Imperial laws, and provides structure to the government. Congress plays a crucial role in shaping policies, passing legislation, and upholding the principles of the IoM.


The Congressional body of our Imperium is organized into four bodies, each responsible for overseeing all legislative matters within our dominion. Formally recognized as follows:
  1. Intergalactic Chamber Of Senators, The Creature Of Legislative Law (500,000 Votes): The Intergalactic Chamber Of Senators, commonly referred to as the Senate, holds a central position within the Imperium of Miðgarðr (IoM) Congress. It serves as a representative body, with Senators elected from Galaxies. The number of Senators in the Intergalactic Senate is proportional to the population and size of each Member Galaxy. The allocation of seats is determined based on a formula that takes into account the population density and territorial size of each entity within the IoM. This ensures fair representation and proportional influence in the decision-making process. The Intergalactic Senate holds significant voting power within Congress. The Senate has two internal Houses, the House of Pree and the House of V'ass. The Pree House is for Senators from galaxies where the entire galaxy (all star systems within and all planets of all star systems) is a Member of the Empire. The V'ass House is for bodies or galaxies where the entire galaxy is not a Member of the Empire. This is reserved for galaxies where a certain number of Star systems or a majority join the Empire together, but not the entire galaxy. The Pree House receives more voting power than the V'ass House the total 500 thousand votes.
  2. Council Of Delegates, The Voices Of Those With No Voice (350,000 Votes): Also known as the Delegates or the Council, this body consists of elected or appointed representatives from diverse regions within the Imperium of Miðgarðr. Its primary role is to provide a forum where the voices of different regions can be expressed and considered during government deliberations. Delegates are allocated based on the population size and geographic distribution of the regions they represent, ensuring a proportional representation of various areas within the Imperium of Miðgarðr. The Council of Delegates exists to amplify the voices of groups, regions, countries, or peoples that may be overlooked in the broader representation provided by Senators. Delegates are also entitled to a seat on the Small Council (Cabinet) of their respective Senators.
  3. Al-Ayadi Al-Kubra, The Great Hands Of The Great Lords (175,000 Votes): Commonly known as the Chamber of the Great Houses or the nobility, this body is composed of the Great Houses of the Imperium, representing the nobility within the population. It comprises two Courts: the Court of the Minor Houses and the Court of the Major Houses. Major Houses, proven descendants of the original 77 Sons of Ursama-Adam who remained loyal after the Cradle Rebellion or admitted into the Court by majority vote, receive 1/2 a vote each, while Minor Houses, recognized by the Department Of Heraldry (DOH), receive 1/3 a vote each. The DOH mediates within Al-Ayadi Al-Kubra during debates to ensure adherence to rules and the formal treatment of each House.
  4. Ecclesia Assembly, The General Forum Of The People (200,000 Votes)
Also referred to as the General Assembly or People's Court, the Ecclesia Assembly represents the general populace of the Imperium who are not Delegates, Senators, or part of the nobility.
  • Ars Conventus | Industrial Convention (75,000 Votes): The Ars Conventus is composed of two other Floors, the Emporikós Pódos (Commerical Area) and the Megalós Emporikós Pódos (Mega Commerical Area).
  • Populus Conventus | Public Convention (62,500 Votes): The Populus Conventus is fractured into the Comitia Provinciarum (Regional Conventions) where each sector and region of the Imperium allows its citizens to cast a vote, each according to the laws of that planet or system or galaxy.
  • Religio Conventus | Cleregry Convention (62,500 Votes): The Religio Conventus is the Forum reserved for the Faith of the Imperium. Each of the 7 Word Churches within the Faith is owed a certain number of voting power within the Forum according to the laws of their faith.
The Congressional Speakers
For the entire Congressional Assembly, a Speaker of the Congressional Assembly is appointed. This high-ranking official is elected by the Speakers of all four bodies—Senators, Delegates, Noble Houses, and Forum representatives. The Speaker of the Congressional Assembly presides over joint sessions, harmonizes discussions, and represents the collective will of the entire interstellar government. The Speaker of the Congressional Assembly plays a crucial role in fostering unity and collaboration among the various segments of Congress.
  1. Speaker of the Senate: The Intergalactic Senate appoints a Speaker of the Senate, a distinguished individual elected from among the Senators. This Speaker presides over the Senate sessions, maintaining order, recognizing speakers, and ensuring the efficient conduct of debates. The Speaker of the Senate also serves as a representative and liaison between the Senate and the other branches of Congress.
  2. Speaker of the Council: Similarly, the Council of Delegates establishes the position of Speaker of the Council, chosen from among the Delegates. The Speaker of the Council oversees the proceedings within the Council, moderating discussions, and fostering effective communication. This Speaker acts as a bridge between the Council of Delegates and other components of the Congressional Assembly.
  3. Speaker of the Chamber: Within Al-Ayadi Al-Kubra, a Speaker of the Chamber is designated, and selected from the ranks of the Great Houses. This Speaker presides over debates, ensures adherence to formalities, and represents the nobility in the larger context of the Congressional Assembly. The Speaker of the Chamber facilitates communication between the Chamber and the broader Congress.
  4. Speaker of the Ecclesia: The Ecclesia Assembly introduces the position of Speaker of the Ecclesia, chosen from the participants within the three Forums (Ars Conventus, Populus Conventus, Religio Conventus). The Speaker of the Ecclesia oversees the discussions in each Forum, ensuring that the diverse interests are properly represented. This Speaker acts as a link between the Ecclesia Assembly and the rest of the Congressional Assembly.

The Various Bodies of the Congress

Interstellar Relations and Treaties Board
The Imperium's commitment to interstellar cooperation and stability is embodied in the Interstellar Relations and Treaties Board (IRTB). This specialized body within the Congress is entrusted with the crucial task of managing diplomatic relations with other interstellar entities, negotiating treaties, and ensuring strict adherence to interstellar laws. Their key functions are outlined as follows;
  • Diplomatic Engagement: The IRTB engages in diplomatic endeavors to build alliances, facilitate dialogue, and cultivate positive relationships with neighboring interstellar civilizations. Through diplomatic missions and negotiations, the board works to strengthen ties and promote mutual understanding.
  • Treaty Negotiations: Acting as the primary negotiator on behalf of the Imperium with the Department of Diplomacy (DoD), the IRTB spearheads the formulation of treaties covering a wide range of subjects, including trade, defense, cultural exchange, and environmental cooperation. Thorough negotiations ensure that the Imperium's interests are protected and that treaties contribute to the overall prosperity of the interstellar community.
  • Compliance Oversight: The IRTB is vigilant in monitoring the adherence of the Imperium to interstellar laws and agreements. Through rigorous compliance assessments, the board ensures that the Imperium upholds its commitments and obligations, fostering a reputation of trustworthiness and reliability on the interstellar stage.
  • Conflict Resolution: In the event of disputes arising from interstellar engagements, the IRTB plays a vital role in mediating conflicts and finding diplomatic solutions. By employing skilled negotiators and employing a fair and impartial approach, the board seeks to maintain peace and stability within the interstellar community.
The IRTB operates with a commitment to transparency and accountability. Regular reports are presented to Congress, detailing the progress of diplomatic initiatives, treaty negotiations, and any challenges encountered. This ensures that the Imperium's citizens and representatives remain informed about the interstellar engagements undertaken on their behalf. Given the dynamic nature of interstellar relations, the IRTB continually evolves its strategies and approaches. Embracing innovation, the board leverages advanced communication technologies and employs expert advisors to navigate the complexities of the interstellar landscape, positioning the Imperium as a forward-thinking and adaptable participant in the vast cosmic arena.  

Public Agenda

"The Imperial Congressional Body is dedicated to fostering governance, decision-making, and representation within the Imperium of Miðgarðr (IoM). Its purpose is to provide a platform for diverse voices, regions, and interests, shaping policies and guiding the interstellar government. Comprising the Intergalactic Senate, the Council of Delegates, the Chamber of the Great Houses, and the General Assembly, the IoM Congress plays a pivotal role in regulation, legislation, and upholding IoM principles."


Isharaat al-Arsh, the Seat of Congress
Isharaat al-Arsh is a star system of 12 planets and was originally the central force of power within the Imperium for Al-Ayadi Al-Kubra. When the Department Of Heraldry (DOH) was founded, its headquarters was placed on the planet Wahdat Al-Awdaa (Unity of the Homeland) of the star system and later when the entire Imperium was reorganized, Isharaat al-Arsh became to very seat of power for the Imperial Congressional Body of the entire Imperium. It is protected by the Starguard and each planet within the system has its own Honorguard. it is the formal meeting place and location of debate for Congress.


The Great Hands Of The Great Lords
In 1739, on the 12th of Artifex, The Conquering Crusades began led by King David, founder of the Davidic Lineage, the House of Kings, and the Eden Empire. The Lords of the Noble Houses who remained loyal during the Cradle Rebellion were his utmost generals, commanders, executives, and Lords. After the Crusades ended with the signing of the Tractatus Salomonis (Treaty of the Solomons), these Lords formed Al-Ayadi Al-Kubra and ruled large sections of the Empire, they ruled through inheritance, unchallenged, and only answered directly to the House of Kings. They were also prone to fickle emotions and blood feuds, involving the full might of their entire military forces as there was no enforced separation of House and State.
In 30876, on the 30th of Finis, the House of Kings collapsed into in-fighting, civil war, economic decay, and civil unrest. Much of Al-Ayadi Al-Kubra would follow suit, and what remained, tried to hold the Empire together, but the enemies of the Empire were too great and it all dissolved into nothing. It was from the ashes of Al-Ayadi Al-Kubra that many great empires, kingdoms, and governments were born. That is, they were not destroyed by infighting and erased from the records of history.  
The Imperial Congress
In the year 31,051, the 25th Day of Genesius, 176 years after the demise of the Davidic Lineage, a new power would come to pick up the pieces of the shattered empire and reshape it into the Imperium of Midgard. The House of Yamato took command of the Empire, led by Jimmu. He went to the Isharaat Al-Arsh star system and put Al-Ayadi Al-Kubra, the Heads of the once noble houses, in order. The Al-Ayadi Al-Kubra was restructured into the Miðgarðr Imperial Congress (MIC), the great Lords were turned into the Chamber of the Great Houses, and three more bodies were added to Congress, the Intergalactic Senate, the Council of Delegates, and the General Assembly. With a new legislative apparatus established, Jimmu was recognized as the Emperor of Miðgarðr (EOM) by Congress on the planet Jalal Al-Amal in the Isharaat Al-Arsh Star System.
The Noble Houses were now forced to separate the resources, assets, and power of their House and their State, the Department Of Heraldry (DOH) was founded to keep the Noble Lords in check and oversee blood feuds, ensuring that they were carried out in a way that would not uproot their entire empire. With a new wave of regulations, separation, and laws, many noble Houses stopped fighting altogether, or limited wars to rare events. Additionally, with three new bodies of the newly founded Congress, who all had significant voting power and political influence, the Congress that emerged from the ashes of the Eden Empire was far more robust and competitive than the Great Lords. However, of all the changes made, none were hated more than the re-allocation of Isharaat Al-Arsh planets to the offices of Congress. Entire planets were claimed by the Emperor for Congress and new artificial worlds and structures were imported to make the star system the Seat of Power for the Congressional body.

Kabane: The Hereditary Pillars of Noble Authority
Within the hallowed halls of the Imperial Congressional Assembly, the noble Houses bring a unique and time-honored tradition to the forefront of their political landscape — the institution of Kabane. Unlike conventional methods of electing representatives, the noble Houses rely on Kabane as hereditary titles that not only signify their esteemed lineage but also serve as a paramount determinant of their political and social standing within the Congress.
Kabane, in its essence, represents the hereditary succession of political responsibilities and privileges within the noble Houses. Passed down from generation to generation, these titles encapsulate the accumulated wisdom, traditions, and societal contributions of each House. As a result, the noble Houses stand as custodians of their unique legacies, carrying forward the mantle of leadership with a sense of continuity and historical resonance.
In the grand tapestry of the Imperial Congressional Assembly, Kabane acts as a political insignia, signifying the House's political and social status. The inherent connection between Kabane and political influence establishes a distinct hierarchy among the noble Houses. A House's Kabane serves as a silent proclamation of its historical achievements, contributions to the Imperium, and the trust placed in its governance through generations.
The Chamber of the Great Houses, Al-Ayadi Al-Kubra, is particularly influenced by the Kabane system. Major Houses, tracing their lineage back to the original 77 Sons of Ursama-Adam or gaining admission through a majority vote, bear Kabane titles that carry significant weight during congressional deliberations. Each Major House holds a unique hereditary title, reflecting not only its political standing but also its historical journey and societal impact.
The distribution of voting power within Al-Ayadi Al-Kubra is intricately linked to the Kabane system. Each Major House is accorded a specific voting weight, with a share of 1/2 a vote. Minor Houses, recognized by the Department Of Heraldry (DOH), similarly contribute to congressional decisions with 1/3 of a vote. This system not only acknowledges the diverse heritage of the noble Houses but also ensures a balanced representation within the highest echelons of the Congress.
The importance of a Kabane could not be overstated to the House that held a high station and Houses that did not. They were a social and political marker but also proof of a legendary and storied lineage, one that was worth showing off and protecting. Alot of this goes back to Inherited Magical Jutsu, which are magical powers engrained in the DNA of certain bloodlines. Kabane are, in large part, derivied from this Jutsu and the political ability of the House. What this means is that the method of securing higher titles or maintaining a title is dependent on marriages. Higher Kabane did not wed to lower Kabane, else they risk decreasing the political power of their entire House. This is because in cross-Kabane marriages, the legal offspring inherit the lowest Kabane, which is why noblemen will try to only wed nobles who are on their Kabane or above it, never below. The distribution and regulation of Kabane is managed by the Department Of Heraldry.
Kabane serves as a testament to the noble Houses' commitment to tradition and the preservation of their unique identity. By embracing the concept of hereditary titles, these Houses become the custodians of their cultural heritage, shouldering the responsibility of steering the Imperium forward while staying anchored in the wisdom of the past.

Government, Law Enforcement
Alternative Names
The Miðgarðr Congress | The Miðgarðr Imperial Congress (MIC)
Parent Organization
Creative Sources
Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS
  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armoria


Author's Notes

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